Reveal, Revell, Revill Study
The Derbyshire and Sheffield Connection
Revell of Derbyshire »
A -Bradfield B - Ecclesfield C - Dungworth D - Stannington E - Holdworth F - Handsworth G - Dronfield H - Elmton I - Bolsover
Early Charters
Thomas de Fulnewall (Furnival), Lord of Halumshyre, grants to William, son of Adam de Revell (?) and his heirs and assigns, two bovates of land which Roger Boll formerly held in villenage in the vill of Dungworthe, "Saving to me and my heirs suits at two great courts of Sheffield."
Rent, six shillings.
Witnesses : Dom. Robert de Mountney ; Gilbert de Wadsley ; William Brone.
Date : No Date Perhaps c. 1260-70.'
Note:Thomas de Furnival, Lord of Hallamshire, the first to bear that title, succeeded his brother Gerard. He founded the second castle of Sheffield in 1270, and died before 1279. Sir Robert de Mountney was his first cousin,

Hallamshire was a wapentake consisting of Sheffield, Ecclesfield, Handsworth, Treeton and Whiston, and the Chapelry of Bradfield. Judging from the surnames most of these men perambulating the bounds were from the parish of Ecclesfield. A boundary or breefe note of all the meres and boundes of Hallamshire betweene Whiteley wood and a place called the Waynestones: namely betweene the lordes landes of Ecclessall and Hathersedge. Gone over and viewed and seene the sixt day of August Anno Dei one thousand fyve hundreth and seaventy and fower, by these men whose names are here underwritten:
Viz. Anthony BLYTHE of Birchett, gent., James TURNER, Bealife of Sheffeld, William DICKINSON, William UPTON, Thurstone KIRKE, William HARRISE, George SKARGELL, Adam GILL, Ralphe MORTON, Gregorie REVELL ...
Source: Hunters Hallamshire (pp. 18-19), first published in 1819.
John Revell
Admission to copyhold property, 11 Apr 1581 at Sheffield Court, of George, Earl of Shrewsbury:John Revell gent, and Margaret(nee Beighton) his wife, and George Torre and Elizabeth(nee Beighton) his wife are admitted as tenants to one messuage with appurtenances in Hallam, and various lands in Hallam (fully listed), previously held by Robert Beighton (father of Margaret and Elizabeth). Fined 40/- and did fealty. Source Sheffield Archives: Spencer Stanhope Muniments Reference: SpSt/17/2
Yorkshire Fines
in 1596, Ralph Revell had a cottage with lands in Darnall and Attercliffe.
Charter Rolls
1593 April 1st, in the 35th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of Settlement (Engl.) between William Blythe of Norton Lees co Derby yeoman of the first part, John Blythe alias Rotheram his base son of the second part, and Thomas Freeman of Allerton Bywater yeoman, Thomas Rotheram of Rydgway co Derby blacksmith son of Leonard Rotheram, Philippe Gill son of Edward Gill of Norton, and Thomas Dent of Sheffield yeoman of the third part ; whereby William Blythe covenanted to convey to the parties of the third part his capital messuage at Norton with lands and appurtenances then lately purchased of John Bullocke esquire ; lands called the Bentes at Beasthylles in Norton purchased of John Waynewright; a close called Waddcrofte lying between lands of John Parker esquire a parcel of meadow lying between a close called Morrys Landes and a piece of common land called Maggershey, both the close and meadow having been purchased of George More of Sheffield ; and also a messuage in Aston at Cold Aston with lands and appurtenances in the common fields then in the occupation of Richard Bower, to the use of the said William Blythe, for the term of his life, with remainder to John Blythe alias Rotheram and successively to his heirs, with remainder to John Blythe, brother of the said William Blythe, with remainder to William Blythe or John Blythe, sons of Richard Blythe, another brother of the said William of the first part, with provisions directed against any breaking of the entail. Witnesses : James Bate, Rolande Revell, Edmunde Stephenson, John Alen, Richarde Blythe, Leonard Gill, William Barten.
1594 January 3rd, in the 37th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Settlement (Engl.) by William Gill of Lightwood m the parish of Norton co Derby, of all that his messuage etc called Lightwood, with all houses, buildings, barnes, stables, orchards etc; and all his lands, meadows, pastures, woods etc, then in the occupation of the said William Gill; also two messuages or cottages in Lightwood and Himesworth, then occupied by James Townend and Robert Cartwright, all of which the said William Gill lately had to him and his heirs of the gift, grant and feoffment of John Gill his father deceased; and all other the freehold hereditaments of William Gill in the parish of Norton; and all deeds, charters etc. The said William Gill transferred the same to George Gill of Haselhirst (Norton) yeoman, Edward Gill of Norton yeoman, John Parker of Little Norton yeoman and Roland Revell of Coal Aston yeoman, upon trust for the said William Gill and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten; and in default, for the said George Gill for life without impeachment of waste, wilful waste only excepted; and after his decease, for the said Edward Gill and the heirs male of his body etc; with ultimate remainder to the heirs of Edward Gill for ever. Power of revocation reserved to William Gill. Memorandum of livery of seisin in the presence of Wm Lee, John Steven alias Urton, Leonard Gill, William Rollenson, William . . . , Nicholas Ingham.
1627 July 24th, in the 3rd year of Charles I. Deed of Bargain and Sale (Engl.) at a fee farm rent of 20d yearly, in performance of a covenant of even date by Anthony Eyre of Rampton in the county of Nottingham esquire and Gervase Eyre his son and heir to Thomas Forthe of Chesterfeld butcher, of two cottages with closes and pastures, called the Cowclose or Tenter Close and Oake Close, lying in or adjacent to Chesterfeld, the high road from Chesterfeld to Brampton Moore, the lands of William Earl of Devon, the lands of the heirs of George Revell esquire deceased, the river called Hipper, the land of the late dissolved guilds, the manor of Boythorpe, the land of the heirs of Godfrey Foljambe late of Walton esquire deceased, the land of Godfrey Webster and the lands of the heirs of Edward Crashawe deceased ; which cottages etc then or late were in the tenure of Robert Adamson, Emmott Tupman and Thomas Forthe. Power of attorney to Nicholas Clarke gentleman, and William Fox to deliver seisin. Witnesses : Eustace Braham, Willyam Foxe, Richard Collice, Anthony Lee; (of seisin, 3rd April 1629) Paula Fletcher, John Stones, William Milnes, Francis Rollenson, Robert Turner, Thomas Wainwright. Notes: the vendors warranted possession against themselves and the heirs of Garvase Eyre, late of Laughton in the county of York esquire deceased, father of Anthony the vendor.
1637 July 27th, in the 13th year of Charles I. Deed of Covenant (Engl.) between Richard Rawson of Ecclesall, parish of Sheffield yeoman and Alice his wife of the one part and Robert Rawson of Dongworth in the Chapelry of Bradfield co York yeoman and Arthur Ellis of Sheffield sheather of the other part, to acknowledge and levy a fine, of a messuage with all easements and appurtenances, situate at or near Graystones, within the lordship of Ecclesall, and then in the occupation of William Staniforth; and of closes called the Croft (wherein the messuage stood) ; Calfe Close (then severed into two parts), Kilnefield (then likewise severed into two parts), Netherend of Kilnefield, Carr, Hollins (then severed into two parts) and Lathefield, to the use of the said Richard and Alice for their joint lives or for the life of the longer liver and after the decease of the survivor, to the heirs of Alice by Richard ; in default to the heirs of the body of Alice ; and in default to her right heirs for ever. There is a proviso respecting an arrangement made between the said Richard and Alice before marriage, as to the payment under certain conditions of four score pounds to Alice Brelsforth, Anne Brelsforth and Mary Brelsforth daughters of the said Alice Rawson, by her former husband. Witnesses : Ja Creswicke, Rowland Revell, Richard Rawson, John Beighton, Wm. Wadsworth.
1653(-4) January 5th. Indenture of Bargain and Sale (Engl.) from George Jackson of Chesterfield co Derby mettleman to Jeremie Leithiwicke of Chesterfield aforesaid husbandman, of a barn, containing two bayes and a half of a baye (?), with the third part of a rood of ground in Chesterfield aforesaid, in or near to a back lane, called Blinde Lane, between the said lane on the north and the lands of Henry Viccars and Joane his wife on the south ; abutting on the lands then late of the heirs of Walton on the east, and the said lands of Henry Viccars and Joane his wife on the west, at the price of £18. The warranty extends to the claims of Francis Sutton and the said Henry Viccars and his wife. Witnesses : Edw Revell, James Milnes, Godfrey Elliott, Humfrey Pettie.
1706(-7) in the octave of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (February 2nd). Final Concord (Lat.) at Westminster, between Joseph Banks gentleman plaintiff, and Richard Revell junior and Helen his wife, William Taylor gentleman and Elizabeth his wife, Alexander Pringle and Elizabeth his wife, and John Baker, deforciants, whereby the latter quitclaimed to the former 3 messuages, 1 mill, 4 stables, 60 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 60 acres of pasture, common and turbary, in Ecclesall, Morewood, Bradfeild, Dodworth and the parishes of Silkstone, Sheffield and Barnesley, in consideration of £160.
It is said that the Stannington Revells fled religious persecution to Wexford, Ireland, before eventually emigrating to Virginia,USA.
Hunter, in his History of Hallamshire, makes the following reference to the Revells of Stannington:
The attachment of the family to the old religion (Roman Catholic) exposed them to much injurious treatment in the time of the Civil wars and the Commonwealth. From the effect of the stigmas which were left upon them at a time when the name recusant was supposed to place a man out of the pale of protection, the family seems scarcely now to have recovered itself.
In Queen Elizabeth's reign a commission was formed to enquire whether the Revells had taken their priests to their house after the Reformation.
On July 1641 in Sessions at Rotherham, Roland Revell, late of Bradfield, and Elizabeth his wife, George Revell and Alice his wife and many other families, did all and each of them on 1 April 17 Charles I. forbear and refrain from going to their respective parish-churches, and every other church or chapel or usual place of common prayer, and were in like maner absent from the same for an entire month following the same first of April, in disobedience of a certain statute of 1 Elizabeth and against the form of another. Statute of 23 Elizabeth. Source:The Yorkshire Archaeological Journal: VOL. VIII
1670: Source: Nonconformists, Popish Recusants and Popish Recusants
- Ecclesfeild Gregory Revill
- Bradfeild Anne Revill, John Wildsmith & his wife Hanna Revill and Gartritt Revill
- Bradfield Eliz. Revill Widd., Geartrick Revill, Ann Revill. , John Wildsmith and his wife, George Hillton and his wife, Roseman Fenton, John Brittilbanck, Will. fenton, Jane Dungworth, Rowland Revill, Ursely Revill
Sheffield: Baptism, Marriage, Burials
updated June 2009Baptisms
* Jan 1584 Thomas son of Rici Revell baptised
* Dec 1590/1 Wills son of Thome Revell baptised
* Feb 1590/1 Dorothy daughter of Rici Revell baptised
*Martio 1592 Margaret daughter of Thome Revill baptised
*Novembri 1596 Gratia daughter of Thome Revill baptised
Nichus Revell or Shawe c.22 FEB 1599 Saint Peter son of Thoma Revell & Ann Shawe
Elizabeth c.03 DEC 1604 Saint Peter, Sheffield daughter of Thome Revell
*Oct 1611 John son of Thome Revill baptised
*May 1627 Maria daughter of Thome Revill baptised
*Jan 1629 Tho son of Thome Revill baptised
*Dec 1633 Richus son of Johannis Revill baptised buried 1635
*Novembri viij Johes fil' f'rancisci Revell baptised 1635
*Februar xv Johcs fil' Thome Revell baptised 1636
*Februar xxvj Hellen' fil' Johis Revell baptised 1636
*Martio iiij Sara fil' ffrancisci Revell, baptised 1636
*Julio xxv Jacobus fil' Thome Revell baptised 1638/9
*Februar xvj Alicia fil' Johis Revell baptised 1639/40
*Septembri xij Johes fil' ffrancisci Revell baptised 1641
* Decemb' xvij ffranciscus fil' ffrancisci Revell baptised 1643
*April xxij Thomas fil' Thome Revell baptised 1644
*July xv Anna fil' Thomae Revili Baptised 1648/9
Sam Son of Lionell Revell Baptised Sept 1659
Thomas son of Thomas Revell Nov 1661/2
William son of Lyonel March 1663
Willus c.08 MAR 1664 Saint son of Thomas Revell
Nathaniel c.29 JUL 1666 Saint Peter, Sheffield, son of Thomae Revell
Lionellus Revell c.23 APR 1666 Saint Peter, Sheffield, son of Lionelli
Elizabeth' filia Thomae Revell May 1667/8
Ruth dau Thomas Revell Feb 1670
Anna dau Thomas Revell 1670/1
Hanna dau Thomas Revell junior 1676
Revel/Revell marriages from 1560
May 1584 Hugo Roberts - Ann/a Revell Sheffield
Roland Revell(of Stannington and Dronfield?) m. GRACIA ROOSE 27 JUN 1585 Cathedral Saint Peter, Sheffield
Richard Revell m. Dorothea Revell October 1590. He died July 1595/1596. Dorothy remarried Thomas Creswicke at Ecclesfield
11 February 1601 Richard Bacon - Anna Revell Cathedral Saint Peter, Sheffield
Margreta Revell m. JOHES LEVICK 18 JAN 1614 Cathedral Saint Peter, Sheffield
1627 Thomas - Mary Holdsworth - Sheffield
Rich Revill m. MARGR. HATFIELD 12 APR 1632 Cathedral Saint Peter, Sheffield
1634 Francis Revill m. Joan (a) Taylor - Sheffield
*1636 February xxv Johes Smith m Anna Revell
*1636 Thomas m Ann Taylor (Tayler) - Sheffield June xxiij
1640 Godfrey - Elizabeth Stocking - Sheffield
*1641 Julio viij Nichus Yates m Hellena Revell
*1642 Februario ij Thomas Bower m Anna Revell vid'
Edward Hobson of Piper House in the parish of Sheffeld yeoman and Sara Revell of Sheffeld spinster m. 13 September 1655
Henry King of Cherry Tree Hill carpenter and Isabell Revell of Ecclesall spinster m. 27 July 1656
John Revell of Whiston gent and Alice Stacie of Ollerton spinster m. 7 September 1657
Peter Hoyland of Hallam yeoman and Sara Revell of Fulwood spinster m. 5 November 1657
Lionell Revell of Sheffeld grocer and Anne Skargell of Sheffeld spinster m. 4 November 1658,Sons c.Sheffield St Peter: Samuell c. 05 SEP 1659, William c. 08 MAR 1664, Lionel c.23 APR 1666
John Ibbotson of Bradfeld yeoman and Anne Revell of Bradfeld spinster m 30 December 1658
Oct 1661 Thomas Revell m. Elizabeth Steving - Sheffield
Nov 1655 Anth Beete m Maria Revell (sister of John of Catcliffe)
Sept 1669 Thomas Revell m. Dorothy Gray - Sheffield
Nov 1669/70 Josephus Taylor m. Helena Revell
April 1672 Lyonel Revill m Ruth Ely - Sheffield
Oct 1672/3 Josephus Clayton m. Anna Revell
July 1672/3 Josephus Barlow m. Sara Revel
June 1674 Robertus Sorsbey m. Elizab Revell daughter of John Revell, the younger of Whiston
Aug 1677 William - Joan Wainwright, widow - Sheffield
April 1680 Caleb Wright m Sara Revell
May 1681 Johannes Pearson m.Alicia Revell
Alicia Revell m. JOH'ES PARR 09 JUN 1692 Cathedral Saint Peter, Sheffield
Robertus Revell m. BRIGET. HOGSKIN 21 FEB 1698 Cathedral Saint Peter, Sheffield
John Revel m. ANNE GILBON 12 JUN 1722 Cathedral Saint Peter, Sheffield
Rebecca Revel of Dronfield m.JOSE. FERNEHAUGH of Dore 01 OCT 1722 Cathedral Saint Peter, Sheffield (dau of John and Martha). Rebecca died aged 70 was buried February 23 1759 Dronfield
William Revel m. ANNE PRIOR 26 MAY 1724 Cathedral Saint Peter, Sheffield
Elizabeth Revel m. ROBT. EARNSHAW 11 MAY 1726 Cathedral Saint Peter, Sheffield
Tho.Reville m. ELIZ. HAWKSWORTH 05 NOV 1744 Cathedral Saint Peter, Sheffield
*August xvj 1594/5 Thomas fil' Ric'i Revell buried
*Julio xxij 1595/1596 Ric'us Revell buried
*Julio xxij 1598 Gratia fil' Thome Revell buried
*Augusto xxii Roland' fil' Thome Revell buried 1600
*Septembri xxv Richus Revell buried 1610 This Richard was at Heeley Mill until his death
*December xxv Thomas Revill buried 1628
*July xxxj Johannes Revill buried 1628/9
*November vij (blank) filia Thomie Revill buried 1631/2
*Decembre viij Rich' fil' Johnis Revell buried 1633
*Septembri xxvij Ric'us fil' Johis Revell buried 1635
*xviijo Joh'es Revell buried 1639
*XXoo Thomas Revell buried 1639
*January 1640 Alicia Revell
*August 1644/5 Francis, son of Francis Revell
*July 1651/2 Alice Revell widow
Source: - York Reference Library and those marked *
- Thomas Reyvell, of Stannington, Bradfield, date of Probate 1 Oct 1556,will written 27 Mar 1556
- William Revell, of Nether Bradfield,a yeoman, date of Probate 2 Oct 1600, will written 26 Apr 1600
- John Revell,of, Smallfield, Bradfield,a yeoman, date of Probate 5 Oct 1620, will written 26 Jul 1620
- Rowland Revell, Stannington, Bradfield, date of Probate Sep 1646/47, written 12 Apr 1644
- Richard Revell,of Darnall, Sheffield,a yeoman, date of Probate 3 Oct 1672, will written 7 Aug 1672
- Lionel Revell, Sheffield, 1698/99. ( Ann Skargell, (bp. 23 Sep 1635, brother of Robert, married Lionel Revell on 4th November, 1658 at Sheffield)
- Rowland Revell, Stannington, Bradfield, Jan 1742/43
Bamford, Derbyshire Reference to Samual Revill, a gas maker.
Extract from Directory of "Sheffield and 20 miles round", 1862
Revill Samuel, gas maker
Revill Charles, Hoyle Street, schoolmaster ; house: 305 Roscoe Place
Revill Henry, butcher, 51 West Street
Revill George, (j.) Coldwell Lane
Revill Isaac, blade and spring flyer, 44 Kenyon Alley
Revill John, tailor, 162 Pond street Joseph, tailor, 10 Flat Street
Revill John Henry, joiner and builder, 43 Thomas Street
Revill Samuel, steel melter and greengrocer, 66 Trippet Lane
Revell Mr Samuel, Cricket Inn road, Park
Charlotte REVILL m. Walter Edward MARPLES St Phillip's Sheffield 11 Dec 1870
Witness: Joseph CLARK, Mary LINLEY
Source: Ted Wildy's Marriage Witness Index
1840 - Charles Revill, born in 1840 in Sheffield, a File Forger. Married to Mary A. Revill born in 1846 at Sheffield.Children:
- George W born in 1864 ,Occ: Malleable Iron Caster;
- Charlie born in 1866 in Sheffield, Occ: Laborer;
- Thomas born in 1880 in Sheffield
1842 - Samuel Revell, sugar refiner. Low Park, Top Park and Little Park, Mortomley