Genealogy & Family History
Pedigree of Furnival Lords of Hallamshire
The marriage of Gerald de Furnival with Maud Lovetot transferred Sheffield and her other estates in Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire to a family who were Lords of Hallamshire for 180 years.
Furnival was derived from Fernefal in France which was the hereditary seat of the family.
« Pedigree of de Lovetot

Upon the death of Joan, the widow of Thomas, Lord Furnival, (elder Brother to William her Father) he likewise had Livery in right of the before specified IJoane his Wife, of the Manor of Alveron in Com. Staff. As also of the Manors of Treton and Hoton-Painell in Com. Ebor. which that Widow held, during her life in Dower.
And by his Testament bearing date 12 Martii, An. 1406. (8 Hen. 4.) bequeathed his Body to be buried in the Church of the
Priory of Worksop, but without any great pomp. He thereby gave to the King his best Cup of Gold, with a Cover; to the Fabrick of the Steeple at Wirksop forty pounds; to the Lady Ali(...e Deincourt, his Sister, two hundred pounds; to John Talbot and Maud his Wife (his own Daughter) his best Bed, with all the Furniture thereto, appointing, that his Feoffees of certain Lands in Wirksop should cause his Obit to be solemnly kept every year, in the Priory Church of Wirksop, with Placebo, and Dirige, and Mass of Requiem, by Note, on the morrow. And departed this life in 8 Hen. 4. being then seised of the Castle and Mannor of Sheffield, and Mannors of Treton and Whiston in Com. Ebor.
From Yorkshire Inquisitions: Alionora, or Eleanor, daughter of Thomas de Furnival, m secondly to John de Verdon, they had a son Thomas de Verdon, born and baptised at Whiston. One of his godfathers, was Thomas de Bosevyl ( Bosvile)
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