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Reveal, Revell, Revill Study

Are you called REVILL?

Variations: Reuel, Revell, Revel, Revill, Reville, Reavill, Reaville, Revels, Riuell, Ryeul, Ryuel, Ryvel, Ryville.

The Battle Abbey Roll contains the names of Reuel and Ryvel. , for Rouville or Runeville. Goisrfed de Ryvel held lands in Herts in 1086 (Domesday)

Riuell, or , a baronial name, from Reville, or Raville, a commune in Manche, Normandy, France, Curry-Rivel and Langport in Somersetshire were granted by Richard I. to Richard Revel, or Rivel, " a person of great note, and sheriff of the counties of Devon and Cornwall for several successive years." - Collinsons Somerset. From him it passed to his only daughter Sabina, the wife of Henry L'Orti. The Revills were ranked among the principal barons of Somerset, in the time of Henry II., and held two fees in capite (Liber Niger). They were also settled at Newbold Revel in Warwickshire, which they obtained, temp. Ed. I, by the marriage of Hugo Revell with Alicia de Wapenbury. " Hugo," says Dugdale, " is the first whereof the Records that I have seen do make mention ; son to Robert Revell, who had to do at Swineford in Leicestershire 29 Hen. II Of Hugo I can say no more than that he was a Rebel against King John, for which his lands were seized on; and that in 1 Hen. III, they were restored to him again. Unto this Hugo succeeded William, who had issue John and Robert; whereof John was Lord of this place in 9 Edward II., being an active man and of great trust in his time, for in 6 Edward III. he had the joynt custody of the County." He twice served as one of the knights of the shire in Parliament, as did his son Sir William, who was in the Bishop of Durham's retinue in the French expedition, 20 Ed. III. This latter had no issue ; nor either of his brothers ; and the last died 7 Henry IV., leaving three sisters his heirs. Agnes, the eldest, married John Malory. These Revells bore Ermine a chevron Gules within a bordure engrailed Sable. Fenny-Newbold, or Newbold Revell , was another of their Warwickshire manors. John Revel, a younger son of this house, settled at Ogston in Derbyshire in the fourteenth century ; and his younger brother Hugh at Carnfield in the same county. John's last heir male, William Revel, died in 1706. Hugh's line had ended earlier. - Lysons' Derby.

The father of the Robert Revell spoken of by Dugdale was Henry Revell, who "had some concerns in Swinford in 1183, which descended to his son Robert, who had a considerable interest here, all of which he gave to the Knights Hospitallers." - Nichol's Leicestershire. He was also Lord of Scalford in the same county.

In Devonshire the Revells gave their name to Revelstoke where they continued for five descents; "the heiress married Hurst." - Lysons. "

In Sheffield: Revel, Rivelin, Rivelin Firth, and Rivelin Water, were early local names of the valley, and they describe the place as it was long ago. Revel is the Swedish 'refvel', a sand-bank or piece of rocky ground. Rivelin Firth is the rocky enclosed wood, or the rocky deer-park. (When Estonia belonged to Sweden, the name Reval was used ... » ). At Revel Grange resided from an early period a family of the name of Revel, whom we often meet in the old genealogies as connected by marriage with the superior gentry of the counties of Derbyshire and Yorkshire: Beighton, Booth, Boroughs/Burrowes, Bright, Burton, Dickenson, Eyre of Bramley, Eyre of Holme Hall, Homfray, Moreton, Nodder, Parker, Pegge, Percy, Rawson, Ronksley, Sitwell, Sorsbie, Stacye, Strelley, Tayler, Vavasour, West, Wilson.

The attachment of this family to the old profession of religion exposed them to much injury in the times of the Civil War and Commonwealth.

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Many thanks to Chris Revel-Homfray for information provided