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Revell Family Study



Goisrfed de Ryvel held lands in Hertfordshire in 1086. ¹

Westminster Abbey Charter

Grant by Robert Fitz Ralph of Watton, to his wife Katherine, of half the vill of Watton (Herts.) in dower. (1141 × 1142) × 1158] Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Rodbertus de Wattuna, filius Radulfi de Wattuna, concessi et donavi Katerine sponse mee medietatem tocius ville mee de Wattuna in dotalicium et hac karta mea confirmavi, cum omnibus pertinentiis suis et redditibus et libertatibus: in bosco; in plano; in agro; in pratis; in pascuis; in aquis; in rivis; in viis; in semitis, et in omnibus locis, absque ullo retenemento, sicut ego vel pater meus eam liberius et magis quiete et pacifice ullo tempore possedit et habuit. Witnesses: Petro de Valoniis; Rodberto de Val'; Ricardo de Chaune; Radulfo de Lattune; Waltero de Nevile; Radulfo de Huvile; Willelmo de Bosco; Andrea Revel; Philippo Revel; Reginaldo de Thanet; Ricardo capellano; Wigero preposito; Henrico preposito, et multis aliis. Source: 'Charters of donors: Property elsewhere (nos. 452-91)', Westminster Abbey Charters, 1066 - c.1214: London Record Society 25 (1988), pp. 289-320.

Visitation of Herts (Harl. Soc. Pub.,xxii., p. 114) states that Roger son of Roger Revell, surveyor to Queen Elizabeth, married Mary, daughter of George Horsey of Digswell, Herts. (Cussans's ' Herts,' ' Broad- Avater Hundred,' p. 253, calls her Margaret.) But " Roger " may be an error for 'John'

Will of George Horsey of Digswell, Herts, Esq. dated 28 July 1587, proved 24 Feb. 1587.
My younger son Jasper Horsey my lease of Horfeilde which I lately bought of my son-in-law Roger Revell, also the reversion of the manor of Harwell, Berks ; my son-in-law M"" Thomas Dowkraye lease of my house in Coleman S*, London ; my da. Helen Dowkra ; my da. Ann Whalley ; Ann and Gertrude Smith my sister's da* ; Helen and Catherine my brother Jasper's daughters ; my eldest son Ralph Horsey, ex'or ; Richard Harte my sister Gertrude's son £20 ; my da. Revell £20 a year for life.

A charter (Harl. MS. 391, fol. 89b.), relating to lands of Waltham Abbey in London,records that William Revel and his son Andrew claim certain liberties of Abbot Richard Fitz Ernald. A Robert Revel was a sheriff of London in 1490 and gave liberally towards the rebuilding of the church of St. Mary-at-Hill, where he was buried. (Stow's ' Survey,' andl Malcolm 'London Redivivus,' iv., p. 432.)


The Revell family was also represented in Herts. Before 1194 William son of Andrew Revell (probably the same as mentioned above) received a grant of lands in Cockenhatch, Barkway, from Robert de Burun. A John Revell held Revels Hall manor in Bengeo in the days of Henry II and after sold it to John Lovetot. (Chauncy's ' Herts,' p. 268.) He also witnessed Gilbert de Tany's gift of all his lands in Willian (11 virgates) to St. Albans Abbey (Ibid., p. 386).

In 1303 Geoffrey Revel was holding half a knight's fee in Bengeo.In some documents among the deeds of Woodhall Park estate, Watton-at-Stone, which relate to Lele manor, Hertford, this Geoffrey Revel of Bengeo is mentioned in 1279 and 1280. Other members of the family are Richard Revel of Bengeo in 1318 andl Walter Revel in 1336. How long the family continued there is uncertain; the manor was certainly in other hands before 1495: but it was long enough for them to give name to Revel's Hall which still stands next to St. Leonard's Church, Bengeo.


Charter by Richard, son of Galfridus Revel of Benigho (1317), and by Rosa, widow of said deceased Galfridus, to John of Benigho of Hertford, of an acre of land in parish of Benigho in field called Porchellefeild.
1318: Tuesday of the feast of St Alban the Martyr: Letters of John, son of deceased William of Benigho, granting to John the Moyne of Hertford, an acre of land in parish of Benigho in field called Porchellefelde, formerly belonging to Geoffrey Revel and Rosa, his spouse. Source: National Archives of Scotland

Walter Revel's Sow

An interesting incident occurred in 1359, when for three and a half months, King John of France who had been taken prisoner at the battle of Poitiers, was confined at Hertford Castle. The record of expenditure and receipts kept by his chaplain and notary Denys de Collors states that on Wednesday before Good Friday the King visited the hermitage of the brother of the Trinity, heard mass there and made an offering of five nobles. Another visit was paid there on Easter Tuesdlay for mass at six o'clock. On May 25, an entry by Denys de Collors records a payment of 10 shillings to Master Walter Revel for his sow which the royal hounds had killed. To-day there still remains traces of a hermit's cell in the north wall of the chancel of St. Leonard's Church: and so, piecing together these three records, a pretty picture emerges of the captive king with his attendants and hounds calling there to hear mass. The hounds, getting impatient at the delay,chase and kill Walter Revel's sow in a neighbouring field.


Revel's Hall

Situated near Ware Park, was so called from John Revell, who held it in the reign of King Henry II. It came by marriage to a daughter of Henry Gardiner, to the late Henry Dunster, Esq
