Reveal, Revell, Revill Study
South Normanton
Pedigree of Revell of Ogston »
Thomas Revell of Higham had 4 sons of whom John the eldest founded the Revell family of Ogston
A visitor to Ogston Hall in 1903 was shown an old card of regulations in the servants' quarters:
These rules and regulations to be strictly observed.
Rise at six o'clock in summer.
Breakfast at eight o'clock.
Dinner at one o'clock to be cleared away by two.
Tea at five.
Supper at nine.
All to go to bed at ten.
The bell to be rung at 8-8.30 & 9.
All doors and shutters to be fastened at dusk.
The glass door in porch to be shut always.
No stranger to be admitted beyond the glass door except by particular order.
A call bell to be rung at six o 'clock in summer.
Anything broken through manifest carelessness or if not mentioned at the time to be replaced.
Prayers at 8.30 every morning and 9.30 o'clock on Sunday evenings.
All to be regular and punctual at church.
The De Alfretons obtained the Lordship of the Manor by forfeiture from William Peveril. The descendants of Robert Fitz Ranulph, probable founder of the church at Alfreton, took the name of "de Alfreton," and on the death of his great grandson, Thomas de Alfreton, the Manor descended in 1269 to his nephew Thomas de Chaworth The Manor, with Pinxton, then passed by Grant to Ralph le Poer. The heiress of Poer brought it to Le Wyne about 1342. In or about 1372, Sir William le Wyne sold to Sir Alured de Sulney, or Solney.
On the death of Alured de Solney, the manor passed through the marriages of his daughters and coheiresses to Sir Nicholas Longford and Sir Thomas Stafford.
In 1408 Dame Margery de Longford, widow of Sir Nicholas, granted a part of the manor of Pinxton and Normanton, to the abbot of Welbeck Abbey and others.
Stafford's moiety, having been sold to the Babingtons, descended to the Sheffields, and was sold by John Lord Sheffield, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, to George Revel, Esq., of Carlingthwaite or Canfield-hall, in this parish. to the Le Poer family by grant. to George Revel, of Carlingthwaite Hall, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. About 1369 Ogston became the property of the Revels, with whom it remained until it was brought by marriage into the hands of the Turbutt family.
It is the Revell family who have held the Lordship for the longest continuous period and who are best known and most associated with the Manor, primarily because they settled in the fourteenth century manor house of Carnfield Hall.
Ogston was the centre of hostilities during the war of the Commonwealth. According to Revel Turbutt, Captain Edward Revell, who was disinherited of Ogston, was taken prisoner at the Eyre's home at Hassop, and that Mr. Eyre was also taken at Ogston. At Ogston there was a pane of glass taken out of one of the windows of the west wing of the Hall by Mr.Turbutt's grandfather on which was written with a diamond "William Eyre, February 26 1640. Neminem metue innocens.

During the 18th and 19th century there was a middle class consisting of farmers, the rector and the Squire, and 2 groups of manual workers, framework knitters and miners. Each of the groups had its own traditions and culture, mixing rarely with the other group and even less with the farmers. The knitters, or shiners as they were known - after a 14 hour day sitting at their machines, tended to live in certain areas, around the Dog Pool, Water Lane and up the narrow alleys near the Old Market place.

St Michaels Church dates from around the 13th century but most of the present building is from the 19th. In the parish church are monuments of the Revell family:
- Francis Revel, Esq., 1681; he married Dorothy, daughter of Sir Nicholas Wilmot
- Robert Revel, Esq., 1714; he married Ann, daughter of Robert Wilmot, Esq., of Osmaston and lived at the nearby Carnfield Hall
- Tristram Revel(d.1797) Esq. Lieutenant-Colonel of the Derbyshire militia; a natural son of Edward Revel, Esq. who died in 1770.
Rev. Edmund Meymott, Rector of South Normanton, Derbyshire in the 1730s, purchased coal mines in the parish from Francis Revell.
After the death of Tristram in 1797, their successors, the Radfords, were in occupation in the last quarter of the 19th and first quarter of the 20th century, and seemed to be remembered with affection in the village and at Carnfield because they introduced mains water in 1913!
Edward Revell of Carnethwaite, South Normonton, died 5th July, 1639. He left a wife and children. Source SP 17/G

Ogston has a long history and first features in Domesday as part of the manor of Morton which was the property one, Walter Deincourt. It passed to the Warwickshire family of Revell through intermarriage with the Deincourts. The Revells are listed as Derbyshire landowners as early as 1433. The earliest part of the present house was from the tudor times. A new block was added by William Revell and his wife Mary, daughter of George Sitwell of Renishaw Hall, in 1659 and a new stable wing was added by J. Revell in 1695. As the Revell line died out the estate passed into the hands of the Turbett family who carried more work on the house and gardens.
The manors of Morton and Ogston, which had been given by Wulfric Spott to Burton Abbey, at the Domesday survey, belonged to Walter Deincourt; and Roger
Turbutt of Ogston
Refer to the Revel Pedigree compiled by Gladwin M Revell Turbutt
The Derbyshire Record Office holds papers about Turbutt family of Ogston Hall, Brackenfield, Derbyshire and the Revell family of Carnfield, South Normanton, Derbyshire. The major part of these records consists of the archives of the Turbutt family of Ogston from the late 16th century to the 20th century. The Revell family records surviving among these documents are only a small part of the family's archives and were acquired by a member of the Turbutt family in 1912. They consist chiefly of title deeds relating to the South Normanton area together with some manorial, estate, family and legal papers
The Turbutt family originated in Yorkshire but the marriage of Richard Turbutt of Doncaster to Mary Ann daughter and co-heiress of John Revell of Ogston Hall led to the establishment of the family in East Derbyshire. Mary Ann died in 1724 and the last of her children in 1726 and it was a son of Richard's second marriage to Frances Babington of London who succeeded to Mary Ann's half of the Ogston estate and built the Georgian house at Ogston. In 1791 John, son of William Woodyeare and Katherine Revell sold his half to William, son of Richard Turbutt.
The Revell family of Carnfield (according to a tradition current in the family as late as the 18th century) came from Newbold Revell alias Newbold Hall in Warwickshire. The earliest of the Carnfield Revells of whom anything is known is Thomas Revell, sergeant of law, of Higham (will dated 1474); he had 4 sons of whom John the eldest founded the Revell family of Ogston.His third son Hugh was involved in lead smelting and established the family at Carnfield by a large purchase of land and houses there in 1501. The last male of the family died in 1797 and Carnfield passed to the Wilmot and then other families. The family's estate at South Normanton, Pinxton and Blackwell was not far from the Turbutts' Ogston estate.
These are some details
- Early 15th century - Contemporary copy of record of dispute relating to the presentation to the benefice of South Normanton between Sir Robert de Legh and Adam de Mirfeld, John Amyas, William Mirfield clerk, Master John Bradley and Oliver son and heir of John ?Wodereve/Woderove, Easter, 12 May and 21 Jan 6 Henry IV [1405] On the other side are faded contemporary copies of the following:
Final concord between John Le Wyns knight and his wife Elizabeth ?by Roger de Padeley Elizabeth's guardian query and Thomas Dobyn parson of Westbrigg and Richard Pygot parson of Penkeston(Pinkston?) defs concerning the manor of Pinxton and Normanton and the advowsons of Pinxton and Normanton Churches, Easter ?17 Edward III 1343
Final concord between Thomas Foljambe and Robert Lang(ham) query Thomas Stafford knight, Alice his wife, Nicholas Langeford knight and Margery his wife defs concerning rents from the manor of Pinxton and Normanton. Ascension and Holy Trinity 14 Richard II 1391. Deed between 1) Thomas Stafford knight, lady Alice his wife, Nicholas de Longeford knight and lady Margery his wife and 2) Thomas Foljambe and Robert Langham concerning the manors of Pinxton and Normanton, Pentecost Richard II
- 1498 - 1498 Marriage agreement between William Woolhouse and Alice his wife of Glapwell and Hugh Revell of Shirland for a marriage between William's grandson and heir, John Wolhouse and Hugh's niece, Elizabeth, 18 Jan 13 Henry VII
- 1532 - Release and quitclaim by Robert Revell of Ogston gent, and John Revell his son and heir to Tristram Revell of Carnthwaite gent. of all right etc. in all those lands and tenements in Chesterfield, Newbold, Brimington, Tapton and Whittington which were formerly Thomas Revell's. 6 Feb 23 H VIII
- 1548 - A messuage in Stretton:Feoffment by John Lytelton and Thomas Asteley to Robert Revell and William Hande of lands as in D37 M/T557, to hold to the use of Asteley. Dated 4 November
- 1556 - Award of Thomas Foliambe and Edmund Stephenson gents, concerning suits between Thomas Revell of Carnethwayt gent plaintiff, and John Baguley of Gybsmere Nottinghamshire husbandman deforciants, concerning title to lands and tenements in the fields of Newbold and Tapton, 16 Apr
- 1557 - Certificate of freedom of London granted to Edward Revell son of Thomas Revell of South Normanton, 8 Jul
- 1557 - The Revells of Ogston were also apparently on terms of close friendship with William Cavendish and his Wife Bess of Hardwick, for among the notes in the pocketbook of Sir William Cavendish it shows that John Revell was Godfather to Lucres:
"Lucres my 16th childe and the 8 by the same woman was borne on Shrove Tuesdaie in the morninge between 2 and 3, viz the Second Dale of Marche, Annis P. and M 3° & 4° (1557). The domynicall Letter then C. At the Christening of the Child, my sister Knyveton and Francis my Daughter were God Mothers and Mr. John Revell of Shirland (Ogston) God Father and at Bishoppinge" (Derbyshire Arch. Jour., 1907.) - 1562 - Award of Francis Rodes of Staveley Woodthorpe and Anthony Eyre of Keton (Kiveton) Yorkshire esqs, and William Revell of Mansfield Nottinghamshire gent, concerning disputes between Thomas Revell of Carlingthwayte gent, and Edward Revell of South Normanton his son; Thomas is to release to Edward Carlingthwayte and all his freehold and copy hold lands in Derbyshire and Edward is to release to Thomas Carlingthwayte and various lands (specified) in Chesterfield and Alfreton. No date (soon after 31 March 1562)
- 1562 - Bond in £100 by Thomas Revell of Carlingthwayth gent. to Edward Revell his son. Condition that Thomas obeys the award of Francis Rodes of Staley Rodthorpe and Anthony Eyre of Keten Yorkshireesqs., and William Revell of Mansfield county Nottingham gent., arbitrators chosen to judge actions depending. 31 Mar 4 Elizabeth
- 1575 - Assignment by Edward Revell of Normanton gent. to John Teverey of Stapleford, Nottinghamshire gent., of half the tithe corn, wool and lambs in the parish of Stapleford, with the tithe barn of the parsonage. (Recites descent of premises from the prior of the dissolved monastery of Newstead county Nottingham). Consideration unspecified. 30 Nov 18 Elizabeth
- 1576 - Inquisition post mortem of George Barley esq (Jurors include Edward Revell), 22 Aug
- 1581 -Grant by John Revell of Hill House gent., son and heir of John Revell late of Ogston esq. deceased to Nicholas Beighton of Stretton yeoman and John Bright of Whirlow, Yorkshire yeoman of all his lands and tenements in Stretton, Woolley, and Brackenfield, with the reversion of Ogston Hall, and Premises in North Wingfield to hold to the use of John Revell and Margaret his wife. 17 May 23 Elizabeth
- 1584 - Quitclaim with counterpart by Anne Revell late wife of Edward Revell of South Normanton gent. deceased, to George Revell his son and heir, of messuages, lands, tenements, goods and chattels of said Edward, and actions both real and personal. 26 Aug 26 Elizabeth
Articles of agreement between (i) Anne Revell of South Normanton widow and (ii) George Revell, concerning administration of the goods and chattels of Edward Revell deceased, who died intestate. - 1584? -Agreement made between Ann Revell of South Normanton widow of Edward Revell and George their son and heir, for Ann's maintenance, 27 Aug
- 1587 - Letters of administration granted to Edward Revell son of Edward late of South Normanton deceased, 13 Feb 1586/7
- 1587 - Gift by Edward Revell of South Normanton gent, (son and administrator of the goods of Edward Revell late of South Normanton gent.), to Anne Revell relict of the deceased, of the goods and chattels of the deceased, to hold to uses; to pay funeral expenses, debts, and portions 14 May 29 Elizabeth
Lease for 17 years by Rt Hon. Edmond, Lord Sheffelde, to John Lee and Edward Lee his sons of South Normanton husbandmen, of a messuage in South Normanton with buildings and lands. Rent 53s 4d. Covenants concerning service in war and at the coal-pits. 21 Sep 29 Elizabeth
Lease for 17 years by Rt. Hon. Edmund, Lord Sheffelde, to Nicholas Robinson of Normanton yeoman, of a messuage in Normanton with buildings and lands. Rent 50s. Covenants concerning service in war and at the coal-pits. Consideration £12. 10 Oct. 29 Elizabeth Endorsement: Agreement to keep a battle-cock or a hound - 1590 - Receipt from Edward Revell of South Normanton gent of £100 received from George Revell of Carlingthwaite gent for the use of his sister AnneRevell in satisfaction of her portion after the death of Edward their father, 26 Jan
- 1595 - Will of Nicholas Robinson the elder of Sowth Normanton husbandman; body to be buried in South Normanton church yard; sums of money to sons Thomas, Francis, Edmond and William; executors wife Agnes and son Thomas. 14 Oct 1595, probate at Lichfield 24 May
- 1595 - Probate inventory of Anne Revell of South Normanton taken 30 Nov and exhibited at Lichfield, 16 Dec
- 1591 - Bond in £1000 by Rowland Revell alias Duke, of Cornewell, parish of St Michael, London hosier, and Henry Revell alias Duke, of St Giles outside Cripplegate, Middlesex gent., to Edward Revell of Grays Inn gent. Condition that Rowland and Henry shall not procure any feoffment, surrender or release of the manors, messuages and lands of William Revell alias Duke, their natural father, or of Rowland Revell gent. deceased, their supposed grandfather, without the consent of Edward in writing. 24 Jun 33 Elizabeth
- 1592 - Bond in £160 by Edmund Sheffeilde knight, Lord Sheffeilde, to Edward Revell of Grays Inn gent., for performance of covenants contained in an indenture between Sheffield and George Revell of Carnethwaite Hall gent. 4 Nov 34 Elizabeth
- 1595 - Gift by Anne Revell of South Normanton widow to Edward Revell her son, of all her leases, chattels, beasts and cattle. Covenant by Edward that Anne may make her will, and that he will pay legacies up to £40. 1 Sep 37
- 1597 - Grant with counterpart by Edward Revell of Bruckhill gent. to George Gascoigne of Weston county Nottingham yeoman and Janet his wife, late wife of Anthony Richardsonne deceased, of a rent of £6. 13. 4d out of messuages and lands (named) in Pinxton. 9 Sep 39 Elizabeth
- 1599 - Bond in £40 by Edmund Johnson of Lichfield gent. and Geoffrey Hurleston of Lichfield. gent. to Edward Revell of Brookehill gent. and John Cooke of Blidworth Nottinghamshire yeoman. Condition that Johnson by his will shall provide for Isabel Kyrkelande of South Normanton widow, whom he is shortly to marry. 6 Dec 42 Elizabeth
- 1600 - Feoffment by Edward Heron serjeant-at-law and Edward Heron his son to Henry Chaworth of Annesley Nottinghamshire and Dorothy his wife, of a close called Hellclose in Lenton, Nottingham, sometime belonging to the dissolved monastery of Lenton. Consideration £30. 2 Dec 43
- 1601 - Bond in £20 by Nicholas Wilson of Mansfield in Sherwood county Nottingham butcher to George Revell of Carlingtwaye, for occupation by ii. of lands granted by deed of even date. 25 Apr 43
- 1602 - Articles of agreement made between Robert Collyor of Ogston gent, and Edward Revell of Ogston gent.
Recites that Robert has married Margaret Edward's mother and in her right has the profits of Ogston during her life, that Robert and Edward both wish to live at Ogston, therefore it is agreed that Edward will pay Robert £200
If Margaret is living at a given date in 1607, Robert Collyor will pay to Edward £100, in default of which payment, Edward may enter the premises
Robert Collyor will allow for Edward, wife Jane, their manservant and maidservant, food, bedding, lodging, fire and candlelight for 60 years if Margaret lives so long, also sufficient grass, water and pasturing within the demesne lands for 2 geldings or 1 gelding and 1 mare and hay, water, stabling and straw for them (further details given), also 20 strikes of oats according to Chesterfield measure annually
If Robert dies within 60 years and Margaret then refuses payments etc , Robert's heirs will pay £200 to Edward and Jane
If Edward and Jane prefer to live elsewhere than at Ogston, Robert Collyor will pay them such sums as named arbitrators specify.
Edward will allow, on the death of Margaret within 60 years, to Robert and one servant boy, food, bedding, lodging, fire and candlelight, and grass, water and pasturing for a gelding or mare, with hay, water, stableroom and straw, also 20 strikes of oats annually
If Robert prefers to live elsewhere than at Ogston
If Robert survives Edward and Margaret and Edward's heirs refuse to pay Robert as under 6 then they are to pay him £100
If Edward and Jane have children Robert will allow them, so long as they remain at Ogston, food etc as arbitrators specify.
Detail relating to the arbitrators (called overseers in this agreement)
Agreement with reference to Margaret Collyon who is unaware of the terms of this document that Edward does not wish to remain with his mother without her "good likeinge" and if Edward and Jane realise they cannot continue at Ogston with Margaret's consent Robert will pay them £200 or they may have the profits etc of Ogston (further detail) for 4 years
Further general arrangements relating to the estate, including a reference to a messuage near the Ford occupied by John Curtis
Robert will leave and give to Edward the 'seelinge', glass, wainscot and windows in the dining parlour and the new bedstead in the great parlour, all other glass, doors and windows in and about Ogston provided they are not removed in Margaret's lifetime
Arrangements for settling disputes
27 Apr 44 Elizabeth.
- 1604 - Power of attorney by Henry Chaworthe of Ansley (Nottinghamshire) to Roger Columbell the younger of Normanton-upon-Soar, Nottinghamshire and George Waynwrighte yeoman, for livery of seisin of the capital messuage in Aspley called Aspley Woodhall and messuages and lands in Aspley, Radford and Lenton, Nottinghamshire and in Overhaughe, Rawmarsh and Gresbrocke (Greasborough?), Yorkshire. 23 Mar.
- 1608 - Lease for 10 years by Edward Revell of Aspley Hall Nottinghamshire to Edward Allen of South Normanton yeoman, of a close called the New Brecke in South Normanton. Peppercorn rent.
- 1609 - Final concord between Anthony Eyre, Edward Eyre, Edward Revell and Michael Payne plaintiffs, and John Molyneux deforciant of the manor of Teversall, 23 messuages, gardens and orchards, 20 cottages, 2000 acres of land, 500 acres of meadow, 1000 acres of pasture, 200 acres of wood, and common pasture for all animals in Teversall, Halton and Stanley, coal-mines in Stanley, and the advowsons of Teversall and Halton, Nottinghamshire. Consideration £16000. One month from Michaelmas.
- 1609 - Lease for term of 80 years determinable of death of lessor by Edward Revell of Ogston esq to Sir Richard Beaumond of Whitley Yorkshire, William Ramsden of Longley Yorkshire and Edward Revell of Aspley Woodhall Nottinghamshire esq. of Ogston Hall and all his lands etc. in Morton, North Wingfield, Crich, and Chesterfield. Pepper-corn rent. 7 Jul
- 1610 - Lease for 21 years by Edward Revell of Aspley Woodhall Nottinghamshire gent and Dorothy his wife to Humphrey Goodwynn of Rawmarsh Yorkshire husbandman, of a messuage and close in Rawmarsh. Rent £20. Consideration £30. 14 Nov.
Lease for 21 years by Edward Revell of Aspley Woodhall Nottinghamshire and Dorothy his wife to Robert Wilton of Rawmarsh Yorkshire yeoman of cottages in Upper Houghe parish of Rawmarsh. Rent 21s. Consideration £4. 14 Nov. - 1616 - Bargain and sale by Nicholas Roberts of the Inner Temple esq to Anthony Poole of Teversal gent, Henry Trewman of Hucknall parish of Sutton-in-Ashfeild gent, both of Nottinghamshire, Richard Richardson and John Maryott both of Blackwell yeomen of 3 parts of the manor of Blackwell.Consideration £2,200. 5 Jun
- 16th century - Notes on title of Lord Sheffeild to half the manor of Normanton and Pinxton
- 16th century - Answer of Edward Revell gent, one of the defendants to the bill of complaint of Richard Kirkland complainant, concerning right to messuages and lands in Pinxton.
- 1611 - Writ for payment by John Foliambe of £240 due to Edward Revell gent, 12 Jun
- 1617 - Writ of habeas corpus; Edward Revell of Brockhill gent, John Waldron of Kegworth Leicestershire gent, and John Wright of T(?) yeoman, (executors of Peter Collumbell late of Kegworth), to answer Henry Sacheverell esq, concerning a debt of £200, 24 Jan
- 1621 - Memorandum of receipt from Henry Taylor of Sandiacre yeoman, Nicholas Charlton of Chilwell county Nottingham gent and William Blunston of Sandiacre yeoman, for £35 received from John Waldram, Edward Revell and Roger Columbell gents., executors of the will of Peter Columbell late of Darley and, Kegworth, Leicester, esq., being the first sum of £35 payable during the life of Frances Columbell (dau of Sir Peter Frescheville), mother of the said Peter, under a lease for 21 years (recited) of a messuage in Sandiacre. 16 Aug
- 1627 - Surrender by Thomas Thorpe of South Normanton yeoman to Edward Revell of Carlingthweat Hall gent, brother and heir of George Revell deceased, of the premises in South Normanton . 5 May
- 1629 - Will of Edward Revell of Carnthwaite Hall, South Normanton esq 16 Oct
- 1632 - Copy letters close of Charles I to Robert Sutton esq and Edward Revell esq concerning a dispute in Chancery between Lord Chesterfeild plaintiff and Edward Leche knight and others defendants, concerning the manors of Sawley and Southwood, 20 Jun
- 1633 - Commission to Edward Revell, Thomas Kniveton, George Collumbell and Henry Spencer gents to examine parties in a dispute in the Chancery of the Duchy of Lancaster between Wensley Blackwell esq plaintiff and Anthony Bennett deforciant, 25 Feb
- 1634 - Marriage settlement with counterpart between (i) Francis Revell son of Edward Revell of Carlingthwayte Hall esq and (ii) Jane Collumbell one of the daughters of Peter Collumbell late of Darley esq deceased; (i) assigned to (ii) a lease of the capital messuage of Bruckhill with lands in Pinxton and in Sutton-in-Ashfield. 17 Sep
- 1638 - Lease with counterpart by Edward Revell of Charlingtwayte Hall esq to Francis Revell his reputed son, of the capital messuage of Bruckhill with lands in Pinxton, to hold for the life of Anne Elyse one of the daughters of David Elyse late of L(lwyne) L(anryader) Denbighshire deceased.Rent 1d. 26 May
Marriage settlement between (I) Francis Revell reputed son of Edward Revell of Charlingthwayte Hall esq, and (ii) Anne Elyse one of the daughters of David Elyse DD and late of Llwynne L(anryader) Denbighshire deceased. Feoffment by (I) to (ii) of the premises . 28 May
Gift by Edward Revell of Carlingthwait Hall to Francis Revell his reputed son, of all his goods, chattels and cattle, (except a bay gelding, gray nag, beds, furniture, wearing apparel and coin). 27 Nov. 14 - 1642 - Notes or directions "delivered" by Edward Revell of Ogston "purporting my last will & Testament", endorsed probate, abstracted. To wife Alice household stuff and personal estate (debts owing to Edward excepted) to younger children of brother Robert deceased - William, Jane, Dorothy, Alice, Anne and Elizabeth and to Francis son of Edward's deceased brother George, £100 to be equally divided between them.
Wife to have her corn ground free of toll at Higham Mill
Servant Christopher Elliott to have house, croft and 2 closes called Butt Dykes for his and his wife Isabell's life, rent 12d annually
To brother John, all Edward's property, paying £40 annually to Edward son of Robert Revell deceased
To servant John Wharton, house at Woolley which he has built upon Revell's land for the lives of John and his wife, rent 1d, 40s each to servants £100 charged upon testator's personal estate to be changed instead upon his other estate and lands
Executor brother John Revell (19 Apr) - 1652 - Lease for 3 years by Henry Hatton of Pinxton clerk to Francis Revell of Carlingthwaite Hall esq., to a coalmine in a close called the Parsons Storthes in Pinxton. Consideration £30
- 1654 - Receipt from Randolph Ashenhurste of Beard esq and his wife Mary, reputed daughter of Edward Revell for £1,000 received from Francis Revell under the will of Edward, 6 Feb 1653/1654 -
- 1656-1657 Will of John Revell of Higham esq to cousin Mary Torr?d, messuage and lands at Stretton for life, to poor of Shirland, North Wingfield and Morton annual sum of £5 payable out of his property in Shirland and Higham, to nephew William Revell (late brother Robert's son) for his life, all property in Ogston, Brackenfield, Griffe, Woolley, Stretton, Higham and Shirland, then successively to his sons, John's nephew Francis (deceased brother George's son), Francis's sons, and the right heirs of William Revell
None of the issue of nephew Edward (William's brother) and his wife Margaret to inherit John's property on failure of other heirs
Unpaid debts and bequests of deceased brother Edward to be paid. Monetary bequests to children of Jane wife of Godfrey Swifte (John's niece) and children of John's deceased brother Robert's daughters Dorothy Curtise and Alice Strelley, to Robert's daughters Anne and Elizabeth Revell, to nephew Francis Revell (as above) and to nephew Edward annuity of £5
Executor William Revell - 1657 - Release by Francis Revell of Lenton (Nottinghamshire) gent of all right, claim etc to properties of John Revell late of Higham esq, his uncle who had bequeathed £100 to Francis on condition that Francis should give security to William Revell, another of John's nephews, that William should enjoy the properties without claim from him, 4 Aug
- 1657 - Post-nuptial settlement of William Revell, nephew of John Revell late of Higham esq and Mary daughter of George Sitwell of Renishaw esq wife of William, by which for £1400 paid by George Sitwell for Mary's marriage portion. William granted to Mary for her life and for her jointure, the manor house called Ogston Hall and specified lands (giving tenants' names) 2 messuges in Stretton with lands, 2 messuages in Brackenfield called the Griffs with hereditaments belonging, 5 messuages in Woolley with hereditaments belonging, 1 messuage in Brackenfield with lands (tenants named for all these properties) 16 Dec
- 1658 - Quitclaim by Edward Revell of Woolley esq to brother William, for £70 paid him by William, of right to properties now in William's possession and bequeathed to him by their uncle John Revell late of Higham esq, reserving annuity of £40 left to Edward by his uncle Edward Revell esq deceased and annuity of £5 left to him by uncle John Revell (as above) 4 Feb 1657/8
Receipt by Francis Revell of Lenton (Nottinghamshire) gent to William Revell of Ogston - for £150, the full price accepted by Francis for his claim and right in remainder expectant to property of his uncle John Revell esq deceased, 19 Nov - 1658 - Deed to dead the uses of a fine made between 1658
1. William Revell of Ogston esq and Francis Revell of Lenton, Nottingham gent son and heir of George late of Lenton gent
2. John Davies of St Andrews Holborn (Middlesex) gent and 3) George Sitwell the younger of London merchant and Ralph Franceys citizen and grocer of London, in order to break the entail created by the will of John Revell of Ogston on manor and capital messuage of Ogston, lands etc in Ogston, Higham, Stretton, Woolley, Brackenfield, Morton, Shirland and North Wingfield, 2 messuages called the Griffes with land in Morton, 5 messuages with land and 2 cottages in Woolley, messuage with land in Brackenfield, cottage in Morton, 4 messuages with land and 5 cottages in Stretton, 2 messuages with land and cottage in Shirland, 18 messuages with land and 7 cottages in Higham (naming tenants to properties) 26 Oct - 1660 - Receipt from Edward Revell of Woolley gent to his brother William Revell of Ogston gent for £20 in payment of legacies, claims etc, 25 Jun
- 1660 - The South Fields at Handley and other property:
Deed of covenant made between Thomas Gladwin of Boythorpe , Chesterfield gent. and Raphe Clarke of Cutthorpe in the parish of Brampton esq., James Webster of the Hill in the parish of North Wingfield gent., John Clay of Ford yeoman, Robert Hall of Holmgate yeoman, James Hauxley junior of Handley yeoman, Matthew Hopkinson of Holmgate yeoman, Richard Milward of Handley yeoman, George Milward of Handley yeoman, John Beighton of Holmgate yeoman, Thomas Fowke of Holmgate yeoman, Samuel Wheatcroft of Stretton yeoman, George Brunt of Clay Cross yeoman, Richard Glew of Handley yeoman, Thomas Cowlishaw of Woodhead in the parish of North Wingfield yeoman, George Smith of Holmgate yeoman, Robert Milward of Alton in the parish of Ashover yeoman, Robert Allwood of Sutton yeoman, John Osland of Chesterfield shoemaker, John Revell of Woolley yeoman, Laurence Bunting of Woolley yeoman, and Peter Elliot of Woolley yeoman, reciting conveyance of 8 Feb. 1658/1659 by Hon. Henry Howard to Thomas Gladwin and John Newton of one third-part of the manor of Stretton, part in trust for Gladwin and part in trust for the parties named above, whereby Gladwin acknowledges that he stands seised of a moiety of one third-part in trust. Schedule giving details of individual purchase monies. Dated 10 May - 1662/1663 - Feoffment by Sir George Savile of Thornhill Yorkshire bart. to Bernard White of Little Longston yeoman, of a messuage and cottages in Bretton parish of Eyam, reserving lot and cope and other mineral rights. Consideration £285. 10s. 20 Jan
- 1666 - Marriage settlement between (I) Francis Revell of Carnfield and Dorothy his wife, daughter of Nicholas Wilmot of Grays Inn (ii) Ann Revell of Brookhill widow, mother of Francis and relict of Francis Revell of Carnefeild deceased, and Ann, Elizabeth and Mary Revell, her daughters (iii) said Nicholas Wilmot and Robert Wilmot of Grays Inn. Manor of Carnefeild, half the manor of South Normanton, one third of the manor of Pinxton, the capital messuage called Brookhill and messuages and lands in Carnefield, South Normanton, Tapton, Dronfield, Brimington, Whittington, Blackwell, Alfreton, Higham and Wormhill conveyed to (iii) to uses (specified) 23 Apr
- 1668 - Copy of will of William Revell of Ogston esq:
To be buried at Shirland Church
To 3 daughters Margaret, Anne and Elizabeth £800 each (with further directions in case of the death of one or more daughters) Goods to be sold except what is in his house which his wife is to have until son John is 21, then John to have them
To brothers in law Francis Sitwell esq and William Sitwell gent both of Renishaw, friends Gilbert Clarke of Somersall esq and John Wilkinson of Hilcote gent, specified properties in Woolley and Brackenfield which may be sold to pay testator's debts and daughters' legacies
Makes provision for his mother, bequests to sisters Jane and Dorothy wife of Edward Curtis and small bequests to several persons
(10 Mar 1668/9) Abstracted - 1671 - Letter to Mr Serjeant Wilmot of Grays Inn from Francis Revell of C(arlingthwaite), encloses copies of documents in the Tower which will help Revell's suit with Mr Willoughby concerning Normanton Moor, 25 Jul
- 1672 - Depositions concerning getting coal on Normanton Moor.
- 1675- ELIZABETH Revell - Marriage: 16 DEC 1675 Pinxton, Derby, England to Nicholas Wilmott
- 1682-1717 - Papers relating to disputes between Robert Revell and Joseph Hayne concerning sum of £200, 1700, and other legal papers.
- 1683 - Lease for 100 years by Thomas Spencer of Worksop apothecary of Dorothy Revell of Carlingthwait Hall widow, of a messuage and lands in South Normanton. Peppercorn rent. Consideration £25. 25 Jun
Bond for covenants by Thomas Spencer of Wirksop to Dorothy Revell of South Normanton. 25 Jun - 1689 - Robert Revell's settlement after marriage to Anne Wilmot concerning the manor of South Carnfield, a moiety of the manor of South Normanton and a third part of the manor of Pinxton, 11 Apr
- 1692 - Assignment by Robert Revell of Carnefeild esq. to Ann Bate of Brailsford spinster of a mortgage in £228 by Henry Travis of Wirksworth gent. of a barn, wain-house and lands in Shirland. Consideration £315 31 Aug
- 1699 - Copy of will of John Revell of Ogston esq: to wife £200
George Sitwell of Renishaw esq, John Copley of Doncaster (Yorkshire) esq and William Sitwell gent (George's uncle) to stand seised of 2/3 of Revell's property until his son and heir William is 21, paying out of the rents (or by sale if necessary) £1200 each to daughters Mary and Katherine or £2400 between all younger children if more are born
Further bequests to wife, niece Anne Gardiner daughter of Samuel Gardiner rector of Eckington, sister Smart widow, servant Esther Briddon and to executors (the trustees above-named) with further detail of arrangements on payment of legacies, death of executors etc (11 Aug) - 1699 - Certificate by Obadiah Browne, rector of Whiston in the deanery of Doncaster, that Edward Revell BA late of St Mary Magdalen Hall, Oxford, brother of Robert of Carnfield, has served him as curate for one year. 14 Sep
- 1700 - Order to Robert Revell esq, late Sheriff of Derbyshire, to deliver rolls, writs etc belonging to that office to Henry Bradshaw of Marple esq, 28 Nov
- 1702 - Presentation by William, Duke of Devonshire, of Edward Revell clerk, MA, to the living of Heath on the death of Jonathan Twigg. 27 Apr
- 1702 - Letter to Robert Revell of Carnfield from the Marquis of Hartington, Westminster; "I spoke to my father, and he said he would give orders for the admitting your brother according to your desire ......." 17 Mar 1701/2
- 1704 - Memorandum of a bond by Edward Revell to John and William Exeter for payment of £450, 24 Jul
- 1706 - Relating to the Revells' rights to the personal estate of William Reynolds of Hemingfield (d.1705), who died without a will and without having proved his father's will. The father's wife (and mother of William) was a Revell. SourceBroomhead Hall Deeds Reference: BHD/166-170
- 1708 - An annuity:Probate copy of the will of John Jolley senior of Cartledge, near Holmsfield, clerk. To wife Elizabeth and her heirs for for ever, all copyhold closes, lands, and buildings at Cartledge (except the part already settled on testator's son, Joseph); to his executrix, one mortgage (mortgagee testator's son, John) on lands at Ogston to indemnify her against a bond in £200 by John Jolley senior and John Jolley junior to Lydia Allwood (3 February 1704/1705); to daughter Mary and her heirs for ever (provided she marries with consent of executrix), an annuity of £15 issuing out of lands at Ogston, late in the possession of Edward Revell of Ogston esq.; to wife Elizabeth, all personal estate; same to be executrix. Will dated 10 Sept. 1707; proved at Chesterfield, 6 October
- 1710 - Copy release (lease missing) by Dame Dixie of Selston county Nottingham widow to Sir Richard Brooke of Norton Abbey, Cheshire and Robert Revell of Carnfield esq. of the manor of Willoughby (Nottinghamshire) and lands (named), in trust to uses (specified). 7 Jan 1709/1710
Assignment (cancelled) by Edward Revell of Heath clerk to Charles Betsworth of Kingston near Shoreham Sussex clerk, of all mortgages, lands and leases of I., to hold to the use of John and William Exeter, according to his will dated 3 May 1710. 19 Jun - 1710 - Cancelled codicil of will of Edward Revell of Heath rector, 3 May
- 1713 - Lease for 20 years by Edward Revell of Heath clerk to Sarah Yates of Heath widow, of the rectory of Heath, in order to pay off debts of Revell amounting to £400. 10 Apr
- 1716-1729 - Letters of ordination, letters of presentation, mandate etc concerning institution of Rev Francis Revell to livings of South Normanton (1718), Youlgrave (1721) and Horsington county Lincoln (1729)
- 1716 - Letter to Rev Mr Edward Revell of Heath near Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, from John N(arden); is glad to hear Revell is still in the land of the living; whereabouts of Mr Betsworth, and an assignment made to him 24 Jan 1715/1716
Letter to Mr Revell at Mr Seaton's, a draper in Stamford, from T Doo of Cambridge; Revell's debts to Mr Norwood (lawyer), 22 Feb 1715/1716 - 1717 - Note to Joseph Hayne attorney, Ashbourne, from William Bowyer, enclosing a declaration (missing) concerning his client Tompson, 14 Jun
- 1717 - Common recovery: Joseph Scott gent. and Joseph Hayne gent. v. Francis Gregge gent. and William Robinson gent., of the premises similar to those above. First vouchee Robert Revell esq. 10 Jul 3 George I
- 1718 - Letter to Rev Revell at Mr Johnson's, chief school-master in Nottingham, from the Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, concerning the bishop's ordination, and institution of Revell to a living 4 Feb 1717/18
- 1718-1721 - Letter to Rev Francis Revell of South Normanton from Robert Revell in Calais; requests money in order to return; excuses to wife for not writing, and compliments to Cos. Wilmot of Duffield
- 1719 - Quitclaim by B(oilase) Warren of Stapleford, Nottinghamshire esq to Robert Revell of Carnfeild esq and Henry F(ranceys) of Derby gent of actions concerning accounts between John Harpur deceased (appointed by Chancery as receiver of the rents and profits of Warren), and Warren, 18 Sep
- 1719 - Letter to Mr Clemens from Edward Revell of Heath near Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, asking whether he knows of any Company in London which would bring up Revell's son to "some necessary learning and honest business"; Revell would assign a mortgage to them 11 Nov
- 1722 - Note in hand of Anne Revell on pews in which her servants sit in Pinxton church , 28 Apr
- 1725 - Examined copy of an inventory of all the personal estate of Ann Revell, late of Brookhill, Nottinghamshire, widow deceased, taken Feb-Mar 1724/1725
- 1725 - Robert Revell esq plaintiff, v Edward Wilmot and Charles Turner gent (executors of Ann Revell), Mary Revell, Francis Revell clerk and Elizabeth his wife and Elizabeth Eccles widow deforciants; answers of defendants to bill concerning lands in Chesterfield and neighbourhood.
- 1726 - In Chancery: answer of Edward Wilmot and Charles Turner gent two of the deforciants to the bill of complaint of Robert Revell esq complainant, concerning lands in Chesterfield.
- 1726 - Deed to lead the uses of a recovery between
Robert Revell of Carnfield esq. son of Robet Revell late of the same deceased
William Gilbert of London gent.
Edward Thredder of London gent., of messuages and lands in Blackwell 20 Oct - 1727 - Lease for a year by Robert Revell of Carnfield esq. to Robert Wilmot of Duffield esq. and Baptist Trott of Mappleton esq. of the manor and capital messuage of Carnefield and lands in Carnfield and South Normanton 21 Jun
- 1729 - Probate copy of the will of Sarah Yates of Derby widow (wife of Reverend Edward Revell, rector of Heath) will dated 15 Jun 1728, proved at London 27 Feb 1728/1729
- 1729 - Letter to Francis Revell from Robert Wilmot of Osmaston; has received Revell's letter telling him that his brother (Robert Revell) would be glad to see him at Carnfield; all here wish him a good recover. 24 Dec
- 1730 - Robert Revell's will:Account of money spent by Mrs Revell following the death of Robert Revell 1729/1730
- 1731 - Case with opinion of counsel (Thomas Abney) concerning possible action to be taken by Edward Revell to eject Francis Revell from estates in Alfreton and Brookhill and prevent him from destroying the entail, 5 Nov
- 1732 - Final concord between Thomas Bayly esq., Robert Wilmot esq., and Godfrey Watkinson esq. plaintiffs, and Francis Revell and Edward Revell deforciants of a messuage and lands in Brookhill. Consideration £60. Purification of Mary. 5 George II
- 1733 - Account of money spent following death of Mrs [Frances] Revell 1713-1733
- 1734 - Memorandum of conveyance by Rev Francis Revell to W(olstan) D(ixie) and Robert Wilmot of the rectory and parsonage of H(orsington) Lincolnshire for £190 on 24 Apr
- 1734 - Letter to Frank (Francis Revell) from Eardley Wilmot of the Temple; has seen Mr Turner who says that what notes are given must be to Mr Watkinson's satisfaction and therefore Mr Holden must prepare them; nothing will be effectual but a bill in Chancery against Turner 3 Dec
- 1735 - Letter to (?) from Eardley Wilmot of Osmaston; the contents of your letter surprised me much; will not fail to meet them in Derby, and will notify Mr Holden of Mr Watkinson's request to meet us there. 10 Oct
- 1737 - Writ commanding Francis Revell clerk and Elizabeth his wife to perform their covenant to Thomas Gisborne esq concerning 6 messuages, 6 gardens, 80 acres of land, 80 acres of meadow, 80 acres of pasture and 50 acres of furze and heath in Chesterfield (various townships), Alfreton and Pinxton, 27 Aug
- 1738 - Mortgage in £100 by John Durnill of Derby gent. and Katherine his wife to Edward Revell of Alfreton gent. of several pieces of arable land in the open fields of Derby. 8 Dec
- 1748 - Letter to Godfrey Heathcote from Edward Revell of Alfreton; has perused the enclosed but till not consent to any agreement at present; there are some other affairs between Cousin Revell and me which I wrote to Mr Edward Wilmot about.... 28 Oct
Draft letter to Edward Wilmot from Edward Revell; proposals for settling the between Mr Revell, Mr Watkinson, and Mr Pegge - 1748 - Draft release between Francis Revell of Carnfield esq.
John Eardley Wilmot of Osmaston esq.,
Henry Coape of Duffield esq.
Edward Revell of Derbyshire (sic) gent.
Godfrey Watkinson of Brampton esq. and
Strelley Pegge of Beauchief esq; release by Francis Revell of Carnfield esq.
John Eardley Wilmot of Osmaston esq to Godfrey Watkinson of Brampton of £400 and interest as result of Chancery case (recited) - 1756 - Certificate of admission of Lieutenant Tristram Revell as burgess of Glasgow
- 1797 - Copy will of Tristram Revell
- 1770 - Letter to Lord Chief Justice Wilmot of Osmaston from Tristram Revell of Carnfield; arrangements for funeral of Mr (Edward) Revell, and his will. 4 Sep
- 1770 - Letter to Sir Eardley Wilmot from D'Ewes Coke of Normanton; the living of South Normanton; he is going into orders this month. 8 Sep
- Letter to Tristram Revell from (Sir John) Eardley Wilmot of Osmaston; the disposition he is making in Revell's favour; his regard for his honour and integrity. 23 Sep
- Letter to Mr Bateman of Derby from Tristram Revell of Carnfield; has received his letter enclosing Lord Chief Justice Wilmot's and a copy of the proviso relating to the living; present incumbent is Joseph Shipston, the other D'Ewes Coke; the tenants shall have notice to be here, and so shall Miss Meymot. 24 Sep
- 1770-1771 - Answer of John Eardley Wilmot one of the defendants to the bill of complaint of Francis Revell esq, complainant, concerning title to the reversion of estates devised by the will of Robert Revell.
- 1772 - Letter to Sir (John) Eardley Wilmot of Great Ormond Street, London, from Tristram Revell of Carnfield; details from old deeds and papers concerning law-suits relating to the manor of South Normanton in 1672, suit and service to the Zouches of Alfreton, manorial rights and cottage rents. 1 Mar
- 1772 - Letter to Capt Tristram Revell from Sir John Eardley Wilmot of London; deeds concerning the manor of Carnfield and half manor of South Normanton; evidence resulting from Mr Johnson's account of the cottage rents. 5 Mar
- 1773 - Draft assignment by Elizabeth, Lady Wilmot, and Sir Robert Wilmot Bt., executors of the will of Sir Robert Wilmot deceased, (by the direction of Sir John Eardley Wilmot), to Henry Wilmot of Bloomsbury Square, Middlesex esq. and Edward Wilmot the younger of the Middle Temple esq. of £2800 held in trust for Sir John Feb
- 1757 - A messuage, Far Croft, the Great South Croft etc; Woolley: Copy will of Elizabeth Revell of Scarcliff spinster. To nephew William Revell (son of Francis, brother of Elizabeth), all lands in Bolsover, Bolsover Woodhouse, and Woolley in the parish of Morton. Dated 27 July; proved 19 October
- 1757 - A messuage, Far Croft, the Great South Croft etc; Woolley: Copy will of William Revell of Scarcliff yeoman. To nephew William Revell (son of George Revell deceased, brother of testator), lands at Woolley. Dated 17 January 1757/58.
- 1768 - ? * Copy of will of William Revell of Ogston esq:To be buried at Shirland Church. To 3 daughters Margaret, Anne and Elizabeth £800 each (with further directions in case of the death of one or more daughters)
Goods to be sold except what is in his house which his wife is to have until son John is 21, then John to have them
To brothers in law Francis Sitwell esq and William Sitwell gent both of Renishaw, friends Gilbert Clarke of Somersall esq and John Wilkinson of Hilcote gent, specified properties in Woolley and Brackenfield which may be sold to pay testator's debts and daughters' legacies
Makes provision for his mother, bequests to sisters Jane and Dorothy wife of Edward Curtis and small bequests to several persons (10 Mar 1668/9 ? * ) - 1769 - Copy mortgage of premises in Doncaster, 27 Dec
- 1772 - A messuage, Far Croft, the Great South Croft etc; Woolley:Copy will of William Revell of Scarcliff yeoman. To wife Sarah, an annuity of £14 10s a year, one moiety to issue out of lands in Woolley, Morton, and Tideswell etc., and one moiety out of lands in Bolsover. To son Francis, lands in Woolley and Morton. Dated 21 October 1761, proved 15 July
- 1780 - Lease and release by Francis Revell of Stony Houghton (co. Derby) yeoman, son and heir of William Revell of Scarcliff yeoman, and Mary his wife, to William Turbutt of Ogston Hall esq. of two third-parts of a messuage at Woolley in the parish of Morton, and of a cottage near the messuage, and of the Stubble Pingle, the Pingle Wood, the Doe Acre, the Little Pickman Dole, the Short Acre, the Middle Field, the Hollin Field, and the Over Mesne Greave lying at Woolley in the parishes of Morton and North Wingfield. Consideration £427 10s. Dated 7/8 April
- 1780 - Release and quitclaim by William Haslam of Brackenfield yeoman (son and heir of Edward Haslam), reciting terms of D37 M/T67, to Francis Sitwell of Renishaw esq., William Sitwell of Renishaw esq., Gilbert Clarke of Somersal and John Wilkinson of Chilcote gents. of all interest in the beastgates. Recital of will of William Revell devising same to Sitwell et al [and others]. in trust to sell to meet debts of testator. Dated 7 May
- 1780 - A messuage and lands at Woolley:Lease and release by Francis Revell of Stony Houghton (co. Derby) yeoman, son and heir of William Revell of Scarcliff yeoman, and Mary his wife, to William Turbutt of Ogston Hall esq. of two third-parts of a messuage at Woolley in the parish of Morton, and of a cottage near the messuage, and of the Stubble Pingle, the Pingle Wood, the Doe Acre, the Little Pickman Dole, the Short Acre, the Middle Field, the Hollin Field, and the Over Mesne Greave lying at Woolley in the parishes of Morton and North Wingfield. Consideration £427 10s. Dated 7/8 April
- 1781 - Letter to Major Tristram Revell of the Derbyshire Regiment in Plymouth from (Sir John) Eardley Wilmot of Wickham; encloses receipt for interest on mortgage; Mr Coke's conduct is very reprehensible
- 1781 - A messuage, Far Croft, the Great South Croft etc; Woolley:Lease and release by William Revell and wife to Edward Wilmot of the Middle Temple gent. for suffering a common recovery of two third-parts of a messuage and lands at Woolley Moor, for securing payment of £170 to Anthony Lax of Chesterfield, and then to the use of William Revell. Dated 1/2 October
- 1784 - Copy of court roll, Duffield fee, by which Joseph Spencer of Belper nail factor and Elizabeth his wife mortgaged closes in Belper to Tristram Revell of Carnfield esq. 15 Nov
- 1786 - Holling Field and Pickman:Attested copies of lease and release by William Revell of Woolley Moor yeoman (nephew and heir of William Revell late of Scarcliff yeoman deceased) and Elizabeth his wife to John Davis Browne of Fetter Lane, London, gent. of two third-parts of a messuage, barns, yard, garden, stackyard and orchard, and of the following closes at Woolley Moor in the parish of Morton: the Near Croft, the Far Croft, the Great South Croft, the Middle South Croft, the Orchard Meadow, the Acre Close, the Brigg South Croft, the Brigg Field, the Holling Field, the Near Stubbing, the Far Stubbing, the Near Holling Dole, the Far Holling Dole, the Pickman Dole, and the New Lant, containing 36 acres one rood one perch, so that Browne may be a tenant for suffering a common recovery by William Lovett of Matlock gent. to the use of Joseph Roystone of Matlock yeoman for mortgage term of 500 years in consideration of mortgage principal of £200. Dated 13/14 June
- 1797 - Correspondence between E S Sitwell and Revd R B Turbutt concerning dispute over common land at Stretton
- 1798 - Draft letter to (?) from an attorney of Lincoln's Inn concerning interest of General and Mrs Lewis in the will of Col Revell, 24 Oct.
- 1875 - Counterpart lease of minerals under lands in Shirland by William Gladwin Turbutt to William Montague Baillie and Hugh Waldron Dallas, for forty years, 7 Sep
- 19th century - Note about exchange of lands between the Earl of Thanet and John Jackson