Reminiscences of Rotherham
by G. Gummer, J.P.
« « prevjust now, and though he has to compete with an untried runner, he will require a lot of nourishing, his colour altering; and some thing more genuine than mere empty bluster to push him first past the post.
Tommy Allbrains, Long Slowcoach and Phil Swillington, member.s of the new B. Association of Tooley street celebrity, are dead against this. horse because he rides Blue, but the majority of the West Ward backers believe more in merit than in colour.
THE CONFECTIONER is a very spicey animal (real jam), and will, no doubt, run well, he has plenty of pluck and go in him, and though it is his first attempt in a big race, there seems plenty of money going on him, He is as prime as a sandwich, and looks like a new sugared bun. His backers and trainers seem to think him a moral, and are very sweet on his capability to stay well. His temper is as mild as a biscuit. and it is thought from his pedigree (being thorough- bread) and the large amount of encouragement he is receiving from his crusty supporters, he will prove a certain winner.
For this event only one entry has been made, so it will therefore be a walk-over for the EGG MERCHANT. His stable companion, THE BRASSFOUNDER, was to have been entered, but his public performances lately did not warrant the attempt. THE STATIONER was too short-winded to contest in the race, and is no doubt not yet suffi ciently trained for an opposition spin. PORK CHOPS would have had a better chance this year, but his trainers entered him for another event, which will, it is thought, be more suited to his distance. Had there been a more likely horse brought out, that celebrated trainer of these stakes, the Plumber. would have had a lively time of it in preparing his nag for the struggle, but as it is his occupations gone.
THE DYER is the only one entered for this race. This old horse has proved himself a regular good-un; stays well, being a fast colour He is greatly in public favour and a contest would have been madness.
PORK CHOPS was to have walked over for this event, bnt at the last moment THE LAWYER was entered, and will take the field against him. It will be a struggle for supremacy. THE LAWYER is well up, having been ín harness sometime, and his backers think him a safe investment. PORK CHOPS is too slow and cautious for this course, and his training too indifferent.
BLACKING POT will have this event to his own liking, the LITTLE GROCER being scratched almost immediately after he had been entered. Why this was so seems mysterious, for the LITTLE GROCER was well up and must have landed an easy winner, especially under such generalship as Bobby Burns (his trainer) and the Little Victualler (his jockey).

THE OVERSEER and THE FARMER have been entered for these stakes, and if our predictions are worth anything, THE OVER SEER will prove an easy victor. A lot of next »
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