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Domesday name: Triberga 'Three hills'. Old Eng; thr + beorg. Source: A Dictionary of British Place-Names in Names & Places

View of Thrybergh Here, on a hill, not far from Rotherham, lived the Reresby's. What was their park is now a golf course. The name is familiar in literature for the memoirs of Sir John Reresby , a great friend of Charles I s widow, whom he visited in France.

Sir John Savile

Sir John Savile (b.1644) of Methley bought the Thrybergh estate, in about 1705, from Sir William Reresby. On the death of Sir John, Elizabeth Finch his granddaughter acquired his estates including Thrybergh. She was succeeded by her son, Savile Finch, Esq. of Thrybergh, M.P. who had no issue, and having full power over the estates, left them to his wife, Judith, daughter of John Fullerton, Esq. who lived for twenty years after her husband's death at Thrybergh, and at her decease in 1803, bequeathed Thrybergh to her own family, the Fullerton's.

St.Leonards Church

In the late 1800s, the rubble walling of a very ancient church, possibly pre-conquestal, could be traced in the walls of the present church. This ancient church was lengthened at the west end in the Norman period, and the Norman doorway belonging to this addition could still be traced on the north side. The lower storeys of the tower were added in the Early English period, the chancel being built later. At the beginning of the 15th century the upper portion of the tower and the short spire were added, a few years later the roof of the nave was raised, and four Perpendicular windows inserted.

There was a figure of St. Leonard over the chancel door. The church once contained numerous monuments, but many have been lost; the most interesting:
battered figures of 2 mediaeval priests in full canonicals
a canopied slab, with the incised figure of Ralph Reresby 1525, in plate armour
a tomb to Lionel Reresby, with effigies of himself, ann, wife (daughter of Robert Swift) with eight daughters in farthingales and ruffs, and six sons, in cloaks, their swords with gold hilts.
Eight mourning children are on a monument dated 1818 to the wife of John Fullerton.

Some ancient glass collected from the old windows were re-arranged in the large belfry window, inserted in 1871. In 1895 it was found necessary to take down the tower and spire, which were giving way, but they were rebuilt on the old pattern, the old stones being preserved as far as possible, with some height and width added


Ella Armitage, describes the 2 crosses at Thrybergh in her book of 1897, A key to English antiquities: with special reference to the Sheffield and Rotherham district.

St. Leonards Cross Thrybergh has the remains of two old crosses. The shaft in a field near the church, is adorned with foliage, and on a carved cross in the cemetery, is a man with a book, thought to have been re-carved in the 12th century, moved from its original site to the churchyard at Thrybergh church in 1947

  1. The limestone cross on the East Hill at Thrybergh: The lancet arch on this cross shows that it cannot be earlier than the close of the 12th century. The figure within the arch is supposed to be St. Leonard, grasping a book. Above, there appears to have been a Crucifixion. There is a very bold knot-work pattern on the sides, of a kind common on Anglo-Saxon stones. This cross has a legend connected with it, which runs thus : The beautiful heiress of Thrybergh had married a Reresby, who went to the Holy Land. Report of his death came to Thrybergh, and the lady unwillingly allowed herself to be betrothed to another. But just as the marriage was about to take place, the absent Reresby, who had been taken prisoner by the Saracens, was miraculously carried to the East hill at Thrybergh, gyves, fetters, and all. The cross on the East Hill is supposed to commemorate this event, and the hero has even been converted into a second St. Leonard, patron saint of the church. But there is sufficient evidence to show that the church was dedicated to the original St. Leonard ; and the cross was built long before the Reresbys came to Thrybergh. The legend is one which is found in many forms and in many places. The cross was probably a boundary cross, showing the limits either of the possessions of the church of Thrybergh, or of its judicial soke, i.e., its right to the fines for all offences committed within that district. This was a considerable source of revenue in medieval times.

  2. A sandstone cross-shaft in the middle of a field at Thrybergh, which once stood in the middle of the village green. The patterns on this cross are entirely of a foliated character, and may probably be ascribed to the 13th century.
St Leonards Cross
James Ross

In 1817 James Ross, school master published 'Wild Warblings' - poems about Thrybergh.

Thrybergh in 1833

Described by White in 1833 - A village and parish, on the Doncaster road, 3 miles east by north of Rotherham, containing 320 inhabitants, and 1303 acres of land, all belonging to John Fullerton, Esq., who resides in the Park, (The Fullerton family inherited Thrybergh Park in 1809, after the death of Judith Finch) in a beautiful Gothic mansion, commanding extensive prospects. He is also lord of the manor, and patron of the church, which is a rectory dedicated to St. Leonard. In a field near the road is an ancient cross, said to be druidical. The boys’ school is endowed with £10 a year, left by the Hon. Elizabeth Finch, in 1764, and £300 left in 1811, by the Rev. W. Hodges, the late rector. Mrs. Fullerton pays for the education of a number of poor girls.

Trades 1833

John Fullerton, Esq. Thrybergh hall
Rev. H.S Milner . L.L.D. magistrate
Miscellany of trades
John Adams, blacksmith
Charles Butler, shoemaker
John Foster, wheelwright
Thomas Pepper, tailor

The parochial charities produce about £32 per annum, which go towards the support of Hedge's and Finch's schools. J. Fullerton, Esq., sole landowner resides at Thrybergh Park, the principal residence

John Whittaker

In 1856 John Whittaker, a farmer was murdered at Dalton Brook.


Thrybergh in 1879

Thrybergh, described as a small village and parish, 3 miles E.N.E. of Rotherham, is in Rotherham union, county court district, petty sessional division, and rural deanery, and York diocese and archdeaconry. Its parish, which includes part of Dalton Township, comprises 1708 acres, and had 475 inhabitants in 1871, when Thrybergh Township contained 216 persons, and comprised 1318 acres. The executors of the late John Fullerton, Esq., are owners of the soil. The Fullerton family have long been seated at the Hall, a fine Gothic mansion, standing in an extensive Park, near which is a large colliery. The Church (St. Leonard) is a small stone building, comprising nave, chancel, and a tower with spire. The living is a rectory, in the patronage of the executor of the late J. Fullerton, Esq., and in the incumbency of the Rev. Henry L. Bennett, M.A. Here is an endowed National School, which was repaired in 1877. The Doncaster Corporation are constructing reservoirs in this and in Ravenfield parish, which combined will contain 290 millions and a half gallons. The largest, Silverwood reservoir, will cover an area of about 60 acres, and have a depth of 62 feet. B.S. Brundell Esq., C.E. of Doncaster, is the engineer; Mr. James Thane, the contractor; and Mr. J.F. Tyler, the resident engineer.

Letters are received at 7 a.m. from, and are despatched at 7.30 p.m. to Rotherham, but Kilnhurst is the nearest Money Order Office and Railway Station.


William Batty - Lodge Farm
Rev. Henry Leigh Bennett, M.A. - Rector, The Rectory
Joseph Butler - Shoemaker and Post Messenger
Edward Gillott - Farmer
John Mason and Miss Mason - Endowed School Teachers
Capt. Grenfell Todd Naylor - Watkins House
Henry Pearce - Wheelwright
George Piper - Tailor
Captain Fullerton (Exors. of) - The Hall
William Radley - Blacksmith
Mrs Hannah Sargent - Farmer
Henry Saxton - Quarry Owner; and Wickersley
James Thane - Contractor
Benjamin Turner - Corn Miller
J.F. Tyler - Resident Engineer
(George) Wordsworth & Askew - Stone Merchants and Quarry Owners
William Walker - Farmer
George Whitaker - Farmer
William Williams - Farmer; home - Sheffield

Read about Thrybergh Country Park

Sir John Reresby

Pedigree of Reresby

James Ross author of Wild Warblings

Google Earth map of Thrybergh
Google Earth map of Thrybergh

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