Reminiscences of Rotherham
by G. Gummer, J.P.
« « prevbeing returned for the North Ward. From 1874 to the date of this publication either my father or myself has had a seat on the Council.

Another instaace of the service of father and son is that of Alderman Geo. Clarke, who entered the Council in 1885. His son, John (Dr. Clarke), followed 24 years later, his father still being in office, although 82 years of age.
The Habershon family have created a record in municipal service. The first Mayor of Rotherham, Alderman Habershon, served from 1871 to 1883. In 1887 his son, Mr. John Broadhurst Habershon, entered the Council and remained until 1892, retiring on account of ill-health. Matthew Joseph Habershon, another son of the first Mayor, became a councillor in 1904, and sat undisturbed for 15 years. And now the grandson is not only a member of over 14 years standing,but has held the position of Chief Magistrate and is at the present time an alderman of the borough. We have one instance of father and son having held office as Chief Magistrate, but none where three generations have given their services for lengthened periods in a corporate capacity or where grandfather and grandson have occupied the chief position in the borough, except the Habershons.Another record is even more interesting than the above. It will be within the recollection of many of my readers that during the Mayoralty of Alderman Kelsey in 1883, to the surprise of everyone but those directly concerned, the Mayoress presented his Worship the Mayor with a son. This is the first and only instance of such an event in our municipal history. Following the custom usually adopted in these cases throughout the country, Alderman and Mrs. Kelsey were presented with a silver cradle by the members of the Corporation and the townspeople.