Rotherham Directory 1833
Academies, Attorneys, Auctioneers and Appraisers, Bakers and Flour Dealers
ACADEMIES Marked ¹ are Boarding Academies.
¹ Birkett Mary Ann, Crofts
British Schools, Jas. Skinner & Ann Dexter, Masbro'
¹ Chrimes Ann, Bridgegate
Dixon Sarah & Ann, Westgate
Feofees School, John Mycock, Crofts
Grammar, Rev. Benj. Birkett, College street
¹ Eversfield Sarah, Moorgate Academy, (conducted by Mr.Jonth. Appleton)
Hodgson Thos. Masbro'
Hollis Charity, John Evans, Oil Mill Fold
¹ Townend Mary Ann, Talbot Lane
Wilby Mary Wellgate
Badger Thos. (one of the coroners of Yorkshire, and solicitor to the association for pros. of felons, etc.) High street
Mason Thos. Beverley, Crofts
Oxley John, (clerk to Market place lighting and cleansing comms. and to the water company,) Bridgegate
Potter John Wright, High at.
Wheatley & Hoyle, (clerks to the turnpike proprs.) Westgate
Badger Benj. South terrace
Craven Wm. Westgate
Crookes Thos. Church street
Naylor Mattw. High street
Parker Wm. Westgate
Reckless Thomas, High street
Sales James, Bridgegate
Turner Wm. Bridgegate » »