Rotherham Trades and Professions in 1825
Scanned from R. Gell's General and Commercial Directory of Sheffield, June, 1825
Rotherham and Wincobank
Adams John, victualler, Elephant, High street
Adams George, blacksmith and job smith, Vicarage lane
Adams John, grocer and tea dealer, High street
Aldred Henry, nail manufacturer, Well gate
Aldred John, Chemical Works, Well gate
Alvey Richard, victualler, Cranes Inn, High street
Athey John, joiner and carpenter, High street
Aukland Mary, victualler, Kings Arms, Gate Head
Babb William, victualler, Pack Horse, Doncaster Gate Head, Waggons to York, Mondays and Thursdays: Waggons to Tickhill, Tuesday, Thursday- and Saturday.
Badger Thomas, solicitor, 7, High street
Badger Thomas, agent to the Royal Exchange Fire Office,High st.
Badger Thomas, car proprietor, Westgate
Badger William, boot &shoe maker and leather cutter, High st.
Badger James, agent to the Leeds and Yorkshire Fire Office
Bagley John, bookseller, binder and stationer, High street
Bailey George, brick maker, Masbro
Barnsley & Rhodes, grocers and tallow chandlers, Bridgegate
Barr Catherine, straw hat manufacturer, Shambles street
Bayliffe Rev. Thomas, vicar, M. A. and surrogate, Greasbro
Bayliffe W. K. Ironmonger, High street
Beitson Robert and Brothers, oil, vitriol and alum manufacturers
Beaumont George, grocer, tea and flour dealer, Wellgate
Beetson William, glass manufacturer, potter and flaxspinner
Bell Thomas, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Westgate
Bellamy Elizabeth, milliner and dress maker, High street
Bennett Rev. James, theological teacher at the Independent Coll Masbro
Bentley T. & K.Wholesale ale and porterbrewers,maltsters, etc
Bingham James, Farrier, cow leech and compounder of cattle medicine, Bridgegate
Bingley William, grocer and flour dealer, High street
Binks Thomas, plumber and glazier, Westgate
Blackley Rev. Thomas, M. A. curate
Blacker John, blacksmith, College street
Blackmore John, joiner and cabinet maker, Bridge Street
Blenkin Isaac, excise officer
Booth Mary, straw hat manufacturer, High street
Booth Richard, tailor and habit maker, Crofts
Borrows William, excise officer
Boulton William, vict. Butchers Arms, Crofts
Bowman Thomas, excise officer
Brammar John, wheelwright, Wellgate
Branch Richard, plumber and glazier, Crofts
Breedon Thomas, grocer and flour dealer, Westgate
Broomhead Henry, solicitor, office, Bridgegate, Mondays and Saturdays
Browa William, victualler, White Hart, Bridgegate
Brown Cuthbert, tailor and draper, Shambles street
Brown Peter, excise officer
Brunt William, tanner, Westgate
Burdekin E. manufacturer of anvils, vices, etc
Caldwell William, victualler, Travellers Inn, Westgate
Calton Jas. grocer, tallow chandler, & corn dealer, Bridgegate
Chrimes Edward, plumber and glazier, Market Place
Clarke, Nightingale, and Harrison, Liquor Merchants
Clarke John, librarian, Library
Clayton Edward, tinner and brazier, High street
Coe David, cabinet maker and upholsterer
Coleman Thomas, supervisor, Clifton cottage
Cooper John, maltster and glue manufacturer, Westgate
Corbitt William, victualler, Old Angels Bridgegate
Cowen William, artist, Wellgate
Cowen, Davy, and Dixon, linen and woollen drapers, High at
Craven Win, auctioneer and appraiser, Westgate
Crawshaw Andrew, watch and clock maker, silversmith, jeweller, and ironmonger, High street
Crookes S. bookseller, printer, and stationer, Agent to the Sheffield Fire Office, Westgate
Crookes E. and M. A. milliners and dress makers, Westgate
Crossley Benjamin, tailor and draper, Bridgegate
Crossley Mathew, corn miller, Windmill
Crowther Joseph and. Son, carpenters and wheelwrights, Crofts
Cudbert John, gardener and seedsman, Church street
Darwent Thomas, saddle and collar maker, Westgate
Didsbury Richard, confectioner, Westgate
Downes Thomas, builder and timber merchant, Crofts
Earnshaw Wm, linen and woollen draper, high street
England James, porter dealer, Masbro
Eversfield Stephen, Moorgate academy
Eyre and Parker, oil drawers, Ickles mill
Falconer Jas. attorney, Jesus gate, Agent to the Globe Fire Office
Favill Wm. watch and clock maker, Market place
Farr John, house, sign, and furniture painter, College street
Favill William, nail manufacturer, Westgate
Fields William, cooper, College street
Fisher John, chief constable and clerk to the magistrates
Flack Wm. ,merchant and commission agent, and Agent to. the Phoenix Fire Office
Fletcher James, watch maker, Highstreet
Flint William, veterinary surgeon, Westgate
Flockton Benj. victualler, Cutlers Arms
Garside M and N hatters, hosiers, and glovers, High street
Gillatt Thomas, hat manufacturer, West gate
Gillott Thomas, turner & leather cutter, Doncaster Gate Head
Goodhall John, clothes broker and glover, Market place
Gordon John, nail mnufacturer, Westgate
Gray Wm. victualler, Black Swan Inn, Crofts
Green John, rope manufacturer Westgate
Guest James, tailor, Bridge street
Habershone.Joseph, linen and woollen draper, High street
Hackett Philip, London tea Warehouse, Market place
Hague Thomas, coach sign, and fancy painter, Church st.
Hague Win, hair dresser, perfumer, and London hat ware, Church Street
Hague John, tailor and habit maker, Wellgate
Hardy George, house, sign, and furniture painter, Bridgegate
Harris Jervis, cast iron and brass foundry, Wellgate
Harrison Wm. governor of the poor house, Crofts
Hattersley Samuel, victualler, Blue Bell, Market plate
Hattersley Mary, victualler, Angel Inn, High street
Hattersley James, rope and net manufacturer, Westgate
Hawksworth William, linen and woollen draper, Church st.
Heathcoate Thomas, joiner and cabinet maker, Shambles
Heathcoate William, carrier, Wednesdays and Saturday to Doncaster., Doncaster Gate head
Heeson William, nail manufacturer, Wellgate
Heppenstall John, whitesmith and fire iron maker, Market place
Hobson Abraham, boot and shoe maker, Market place
Howden Thomas, tailor, Doncaster gate head
Hopman Mary, confectioner, High street
Hoyle W. F. solicitor, Church street
Hudson James, patten maker and nail cutter, Bridgegate
Hudson John, victualler, College Inn, auctioneer and appraiser College street
Hudson William, victualler, Ship Inn, Crofts
Hunt and Hesletine, agent to the Albion fire office
Hunter John, victualler, Red Bear, Bridgegate
Hutchinson W. D. physician, High street
Jackson Martin, corn miller, Ickles Mill
Jarvis Emanuel victualler, Mail Coach Inn, Wel1gate
Jenkinson Samuel, plasterer and whitewasher, Wellgate
Jepson William, parish clerk
Johnson John, constable of the Jail, on the Bridge
Jowitt Elizabeth, gardener and seed dealer, Bridgegate
Kent Thomas, braizer and tin plate worker, Market place
Kent John, butcher, Church street
Kent George, hair dresser, Bridgegate
Kirk Samuel junior, iron founder, Market place
Kirk Thomas, victualler, Ring of Bells, Church street
Law Thomas, linen and woollen draper, High Street
Lawson Ann, importer and dealer in foreign spirits, High. st.
Lent George, window and fancy chair maker, College street
Liddle Thomas,apothecary and secretary at Dispensary,Wellgate
Liddle Thomas, assistant at the Dispensary, Weligate
Lilley James, boot and shoe maker, Bridgegate
Liversidge & Crawshaw, iron masters and wholesale linen manufacturers, Masbro Bridge
Lodge Richard, saddler and harness maker, High street
Ludlam Joseph, baker, Westgate
Marshall George, boot and shoe maker, Bridgegate
Mason John, clock and watch maker, College street
Mellor John, victualler, Masons Arms, Westgate
Moody Benjamin, grocer, corn and flour dealer, Crofts
Moore John, saddler, Market place
Naden Miles, rope manufacturer, Westgate
Naylor Sarah, glass and earthenware dealer, High street
Needham Alice, victualler, Nags head, Market place
Needham Robert, basket maker, Shambles street
Needham John, boot and shoe maker, Bridgegate
Needham Joseph, basket maker, Doncaster gate head
Needham Robert, basket maker, Church street
Newton Jacob, chemist, druggist and colourman, High street
Newton Joseph, rope and twine manufacturer, Wellgate
Nicholson Michael, victualler, Black Horse, High street
Norman William, chemist and druggist, Jesus gate
Oldfield Ann, victualler, Crown and Commercial Inn, posting house, mails and coaches to all parts of the kingdom, High st
Oxley John, solicitor, Bridgegate
Parkin Zedh. chemist, druggist, oil and colour man, Westgate
Parkin William, chemist, druggist, oil and colourman Bridge St,
Pearson Robert, grocer and tallow chandler, High street
Potter John Wright, agent to the Alliance Fire Office, Westgate
Potter John Wright, solicitor, Westgate
Radcliffe Joseph, boot and shoe maker, High street,
Radcliffe John, boot and shoe maker, Westgate
Reckless Richard, baker and confectioner, High street
Ridgway Eliz. straw hat manufacturer, Market Place
Robinson Richard, tailor and draper, High street
Robinson Nathaniel, blacksmith, Westgate
Robinson James, currier, High street
Robinson John, surgeon, Wellgate
Sales James, baker and confectioner, Bridge Gate
Salt Charles, hair dresser, Shambles street
Sandford and Yates, ironfounders
Savill C. importer and dealer in Foreign wines and spirits, Westgate
Shearman Edward, surgeon, Market Place
Smith John, joiner and carpenter, Crofts
Smith William, saddle tree manufacturer, Westgate
Smith Thomas, victualler, White Swan, Westgate
Smith. Thomas, ditto, True Briton, Westgate
Smith James, victualler, Royal Oak, Market Place
Smith Rev. Thomas, classical teacher, College, Masbro
Smith Samuel, joiner and carpenter, Shambles
Steel George, grocer and maltster, Bridgegate
Steel Thomas, victualler, Harrow, Wellgate
Steel George, victualler, Cross Keys, Crofts
Steer John, timber merchant, Westgate
Tasker Richard, corn miller, Windmill
Taylor George, linen and woollen draper, Bridgegate
Thomas Edward, currier, Westgate
Thompson Elizabeth, milliner, high street
Thompson Harry, wine and spirit merchant, Church street
Thornton John, carpenter and wheelwright, Westgate
Townend George, grocer, College street
Turner, and Co. starch and soap boilers, etc. Aldwork Mills
Turner J. and J. surgeons, Wellgate
Turner Joseph; victualler, Cleaver Inn, Wellgate
Turton James. hat manufacturer, Market Place
Unwin John, Wheelwright, Doncaster gate head
Waites Peter, boot and shoe maker High street
Walker, Eyre and Stanley, bankers, High street
Walker and Co. iron masters, cast steel converters and refiners, -and iron founders, Masbro
Walker William, slater and slate Merchant, College street
Watson George, liquor merchant, Market place
Watson J. victualler, Red Lion and Posting house, Bridgegate
Ward Andrew, music preceptor, High Street
Wells William, Dyer, Wellgate
Wheatley Joseph, solicitor, Westgate
White William, manufacturer of bed screws and chains, Masbro
White John, grocer and flour dealer, Wellgate
Wigfield Mary, grocer, tea dealer and tobacconist, High street
Wilde Francis, victualler, Wellington, Westgate
Wilkinson James, surgeon, Vicarage lane
Wilkinson Richard,victualler,WheatSheaf, Doncaster gate head
Wilkinson Edward, carrier, Doncaster gate head
Wilson Martha, post mistress, and stationer, High street
Woodhead and Pratt, wine and brandy merchants, Westgate
Wright Thomas, corn miller, Steam Corn Mill
Wright Mark,boot and shoe maker, and leather cutter,Church st
Wright Thomas, boot and shoe maker, College street
Thorncliffe Iron Works

Newton Scott and Chambers, cast iron foundry
Beardshaw John, fork manufacturerEllis George, maltster and farmer
Muscroft John, fork manufacturer
Muscroft George fork manufacturer
Muscroft George junr. fork manufacturer
Platts Robert, fork manufacturer
Sellars Joseph, fork manufacturer
The Magistrates, Police and other Officers of the town in 1825
Trades and professions, 1825 Blackburn Wheel, Brightside, Carbrook and Tinsley, Canklow Mill, Catcliffe, Treeton and Woodhouse Mill, Handsworth, Handsworth Hall Gate, Masbro