Centenary Riverside Park, Rotherham
Officially opened on 27th March, 2009, Centenary Riverside Nature Reserve is the centrepiece of Rotherham's £14 million flood alleviation scheme, which is being created through a partnership led by Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, the Environment Agency and the Wildlife Trust for Sheffield and Rotherham.
There have been 3000 trees planted and hopefully it will attract plenty of birds. There are already swans nesting and plovers, lapwings, a heron and a sparrowhawk have been spotted.
At the Magna end of the site an otter home has been built.The large mounds in the centre of the lake are the remains of slag from the furnaces which was put into skips and dumped, rather than remove them - the intention is to make holes in them, hopefully attracting sand martins.

April, 2009