The Land of Smiles
A joint venture coming to the aid of Thailand's tsunami victims - Land of Smiles.
Two great Yorkshire guys, Brad from Red, a local boy girl duo and Brampton Brierlow resident Harry, from Ricky Graham Leisure, would like you to visit the charity website. they are currently promoting to raise money for a children's orphanage in Thailand. The children at the orphanage were all victims of the horrific December 04 tsunami. Brad and Harry are currently trying to help them financially. Far more details are given on the website, but one important aspect of their fundraising is likely to involve a number of concerts throughout our area. These concerts will be widely advertised and hopefully very well patronised events. If you are unable to attend a concert but would still like to contribute a little towards this worthwhile effort it is possible to make a donation on the website.

Some of the children at the orphanage lost all of their family to the tsunami, some of them cry when it rains because they think the tsunami is coming back, many of them are now afraid to go to the beach. They will all bear the scars of the tsunami but with the help of the Duang Prateep Foundation they will receive education and care and will go on to play an important part in the community.
The final message from Brad, 'We will be organising a run of charity concerts in and around South Yorkshire and these events will be publicised on our website. Any publicity, links or contributions you can help with will be most appreciated.
Your features editor would, once again, like to acknowledge the tremendous efforts made so frequently by the local artistes, club committees, charity organisers and supporting club members. This, the latest in a long standing tradition of "clubland" helping those in need should be applauded as being a credit to the club movement and one of which our local community should be proud to be associated with.
Here is a picture of local Rotherham businessman Harry Haywood mending fishing nets in a fishing village in Khao Lak, Thailand.