Rotherham Federation of Tenants & Residents (RotherFed) Quality Awards
Community groups from across Rotherham are set to be honoured for the excellent work they have carried out on behalf of their local neighbourhoods. The Rotherham Federation of Tenants & Residents Quality Awards on Tuesday, May 22nd 2012 will recognise the many hours of unpaid work members of Tenants and Residents Associations (TARAs) have put into improving their local communities.
The awards will take place at RotherFeds Springwell Gardens Community Centre base in Eastwood View, where judges will present prizes for five different categories. The presentations will begin at 5.00pm.
The five award categories and some of the areas judges have looked at are:
- Managing Your TARA (Officers should be aware that the Constitution is the key governance document and should have undertaken training and be excelling in their roles. The success of the group should be reviewed each year.)
- Communication (The TARA should have produced and shared effective agendas and minutes with the wider community and partners, produced quality newsletters and used the local media.)
- Financial Control (The group should demonstrate sound controls as per its Constitution. Accounts should be independently examined every year and there should be long term plans for sustainable fundraising.)
- Involving Our Community (The TARA should hold regular meetings as per its Constitution which are open to all the members covered by it. Social events should be organised to which everyone is invited. All community and external partners should be involved in events and meetings.) . Morrison have kindly donated a £100 first prize and £50 second prize to accompany this award.
- Equalities (The group needs to have developed a current Equal Opportunities Policy which is relevant to its needs and which involves meaningful participation of volunteers from all walks of life.). Chevin Housing have kindly donated a £100 first prize and £50 second prize to accompany this award.
A first and second place Award will be presented in each category, The awards were judged by Claire Hawley, Federation Advisor for Barnsley Tenants Federation, Kelly Smedley, Resident Liaison Officer of Morrison and Dean Jackson from J.Owen Enterprises.
Now in their fifth year, the awards not only recognise the hard work of the 38 TARAs affiliated to RotherFed, but are designed to improve quality standards by providing examples of excellence. Local singer songwriter Ray Hearne will also be providing entertainment at the awards.
Alan Goy, Member Development Officer for RotherFed, said: "Tenants and Residents Associations are all working towards different goals. Some want to build greater community spirit and ensure no-one is left feeling isolated, while others are working to reduce anti-social behaviour. Other TARAs are trying to improve the health and well-being of the local community, or improve community safety. The awards are the perfect chance to recognise the fantastic work of TARAs, hatever their aims."
Anyone wishing to book a place at the Awards Presentation can contact the RotherFed office on or by email at .. There will also stalls to browse and a buffet available from 4.30pm.