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RotherFed AGM, March 2014
RotherFed to launch new three-year business plan at AGM The Rotherham Federation of Tenants and Residents (RotherFed) will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday, March 25th at 2pm at Springwell Gardens Community Centre.
RotherFed’s new three-year business plan will be launched at the meeting with the new strapline of “strengthening communities”. It will include a plan to apply for charitable status. Steve Ruffle, RotherFed’s Development Manager said: “We are there to support communities to grow and develop, building their sense of belonging, community pride and spirit. “We are committed to bringing communities together, giving all communities a voice and creating local solutions to local issues.”
All Rotherham residents are welcome.
The event will be opened by Councillor Rose McNeely, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council cabinet member for Safe and Attractive Neighbourhoods. Councillor McNeely said: “I have agreed to open the AGM so as to show my support for the brilliant work that RotherFed do. They are very community focused and encourage at all opportunities the community to be involved in the area they live.
“This is partnership working at its best.”
The keynote speaker will be Michael Gelling, chair of the Tenants and Residents Organisation of England (TAROE), who will talk about its aim to create a ‘Tenants Agenda’, by asking tenants present to complete an online survey to identify the top issues concerning them and their families.
TAROE is concerned that the views of tenants are being ignored by the government and the problems caused by its policies not understood.
Gelling said: “We know there are lots of issues which we all chat about with our friends, neighbours and family, but it never goes anywhere else. This is a real opportunity to make sure that your views are not only heard but used effectively.
“The development of this strategy aims to ensure we have a true understanding of the needs and concerns of tenants nationwide.”
RotherFed’s annual accounts and the results of elections to the board will also be heard.
There will be a raffle with prizes to be won.
Free pie and peas will be served to all in attendance.