The Friends of Boston Castle and Parklands
Boston Castle stands within the grounds of Boston Park, Rotherham's first public park. The Castle is one of Rotherham's few remaining 18th Century buildings and a familiar landmark, representing justice and freedom.
The Friends of Boston Castle and Parkland was formed in July 2002 to support Rotherham MBC in their bid for Heritage Lottery Funding which would be used to restore Boston Castle and regenerate the parkland. The group includes representatives from local communities and special interest groups. The aims and objective of the group are:
- To improve and work towards the restoration, management and maintenance of Boston Park as decided by the membership.
- To improve facilities within the park as described by the membership, subject to finance being available.
- To promote safe urban use of the parks and create an inviting environment.
- To promote an Urban Park Ranger operation within the parks.
- To act as the community advisory body for the park in liaison with Rotherham MBC.
- To raise the profile of the park and castle within the local community and further afield through means of events and newsletters.
- To help interpret the history of the park and castle.

New members would be welcome either to be proactive or just to support fobcap in their endeavours to preserve our heritage and help plan the future of this former premier beauty spot of our town.
There is much optimism as work on the conservation management plan, which will be submitted for Heritage Lottery Funding, progresses. Although a great deal of time and effort still needs to be directed into the project there is a real hope that funds will be provided in a timely manner.
For more details and a full description of the work of fobcap take a look at their website
Acknowledgements to Janet Worrall