Action for Childrens Rotherham Bridges Leaving Care Service
Young care leavers celebrate the successful completion of the Barclays Money Skills programme with certificates awarded by local MP Denis McShane.

Denis McShane (centre), Susan McBride, Positive Contribution Co-ordinator at Action for Children (left) and the young people from Action for Childrens Rotherham Bridges Leaving Care Service who recently completed the Barclays Money Skills programme
Delivered as part of a joint initiative between the childrens charity and Barclays, the Barclays Money Skills training programme gives vulnerable young people who may be struggling to manage their finances the tools and support needed to improve their money management skills and gain a better understanding of financial matters.
Rotherham Bridges Leaving Care Service provides floating support to young people aged between 16 and 21 who are still looked after and helps to prepare those leaving local authority care for living an independent life, including finding them a safe home, a job or training opportunities, and helping them to manage their finances

Denis MacShane with Nathan, 19, who recently completed the Barclays Money Skills programme